"Greenbean, name's Alby. Welcome to the Glade," Alby said from beside him. He must have been the exchange between the three of us and pushed the new guy so that he was looking at him. "What's your name?"

The guy had dark features, dark brown, close to black eyes, pitch black hair, and the bags under his eyes made him look as if he hadn't slept in a week. He muttered something to Alby before turning his attention back to me. His gaze lowered to where I still grasped Newt's hand. A smirk almost appearing on his face.

"Everyone, this our new greenie. His name is Tony," Alby announced.

"Who's she?" Tony asked, pointing to me. I tried to shake the shiver that ran up my spine. And tightened my grip even more on Newt's hand.

"She is Miya, our resident girl," Gally said in a protective tone. At some point, he had come from the other side of the crowd and was now slightly standing in front of me.

I let go of Newt's hand, much to his protest, and pushed past Gally, trying to put on a brave front. "Hi," I stuck my hand out to the boy. He looked sceptically at my hand, then shook it.

"Come on Greenbean, I'll give you a tour," Alby said, clasping a hand on the boy's shoulder. I breathed out a sigh of relief when Tony turned to follow our righteous leader away from the crowd of boys. I felt weak in the knees as I stood there, watching their retreating figures.

"There is something off about that Shank," Minho muttered.

"Did you see the way he was looking at her," Gally growled. I shivered again at the memory of his dark eyes wandering my body.

"If he gets anywhere near her," Newt said, his voice low and stern, "I will not hesitate to bury his body in the bloody graveyard." His words were harsh and the thought of it actually happening made my skin crawl, but even then, it sort of made me feel safe. Gally and Minho were quick to agree with the blonde Glader.

Most of the other Galders had gone back to their respective jobs. The four of them being the only ones left at the box. The three boys were continuing to mutter about Greenbean, plotting creative revenge plans. I pulled on Gally's arm, wanting nothing more than to start work again so that I could set my mind on anything but the new boy that was following Alby around the Glade.

"Can we please get back to work?" I asked, pleading with my eyes. Gally nodded and let me drag him back to where we had been constructing new fences for the Slicers.

Gally didn't bring up the new guy for the rest of the workday, which I was thankful for. And finally, it was time for dinner. I was so glad that the day was finally almost over and I was finally going to get to start running the maze tomorrow.

Gally and I met Newt in line for dinner. There were already about twenty Gladers in line so unfortunately, it was going to be a long wait. The smell of Frypan's cooking wafted from his shack. It made my stomach grumble.

I caught Tony's stare. He had already gotten his food and was sitting with a few other Gladers. He was looking at me, his mouth slightly open. I turned so that my back was facing him.

"Newt," I mumbled quietly, not wanting Gally to hear. I didn't need all of them getting their backs out of line for me.

He turned his head slightly towards me, letting me know that I had heard him.

I took a deep breath and said, "hold my hand." I stepped closer to him so that my shoulder was grazing his bicep. He gave me a slight nod before grabbing my hand.

"He is looking, isn't he?" Newt whispered, leaning in close to my ear.

"Yes," I responded. We shuffled farther up the line as Gladers got their food and headed to their table. I could see Gally giving us a confused side glance, but I ignored him.

Deleted Memories (The Maze Runner, Newt)Where stories live. Discover now