"Not really at the moment," Ella shrugs. "Not on my mind."

"I think it'd be nice. I mean, you are single and not attached to anyone." Becky smiles. "I'm sure there is a fine man out there for you!"

"I guess so," Ella ties a ribbon around the vase, making a bow. "But I'm in no rush. Love will find me."

"Again you mean?" Becky look at Ella. "Love will find you...again."

"Yeah...again." Ella snips one last stem. She takes one step back to look at the bouquet. "Eventually it'll happen."

"Oh darling, it will happen when you least expect it!" Becky smiles and grabs the vase. "Don't worry about it!"


Ella says her goodbye to Becky and leaves the store when it closes. She doesn't have a car yet, so she waits for the bus. She sits down on the bench and scratches her arm.

Her phone buzzes in her pocket. She takes it out and looks at the screen. It's a text from Niall...

"Louis is suspicious. He found out about my plan to break up with Emily. I think her people got in contact with him. I'm not sure what was said. Anyway, I'll be back in town tomorrow for two days. Would you like to go over your plan with me?" His text reads.

"Oh man :/ I'm not shocked though. He always find out. But yeah, i guess that'd be fine." She types and hits send.


"Okay sounds good! See you tomorrow."

His texts are very formal and short to the point now that they're...acquaintances. She wouldn't say he's her friend...and she's sure he wouldn't.

She sees her bus pull up and she gathers her belongings. She slides her bus pass and finds a seat in the back. She looks out the window, thinking about her plan...


The next day, Ella asks to get out early so she can get back to her apartment before Niall arrives to clean up a bit. Of course Becky agreed and let her out two hours early.

Her apartment is small. It's only a 1 bedroom, 1 bathroom with a small living room and kitchen. It has a small parking garage next to it as well. It's not the prettiest, but it'll do until she can afford to move into something bigger and closer to the city.

She wipes down her small two seater table when her phone starts ringing.

She quickly picks it up and presses the 'answer' button. "Hello?"

"Hey Ella," Niall says. "I think I'm outside your flat. Im not sure."

Ella walks over to the door and looks through the peep hole. "Yep! I see you!"

She opens the door just as he was ending the call. He walks towards her, hands crossed across his chest. "Nice place you got here."

"Eh, it'll do until I can afford something bigger." She shrugs and wipes her forehead. "I think it's cute."

"It is cozy, that's for sure." He smiles. "You're quite away from the city, aren't you?"

Casual Affair (Niall Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now