Chapter 16

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Ethan's pack house was huge. And I mean, HUGE. He told me about all the people that lived there, and I find out that he has an older brother and sister who live with their mates in the house, too.

"Come on, Ash," Ethan says, taking my hand in his and leading me to the mansion. "They'll love you! Stop worrying so much."

"I'm not worried!" I lie.

"Sure." He winks at me, sending shivers down my spine.

He opens the front door, stepping inside and I follow. He leads me into the kitchen where I see a woman with long, wavy blonde hair and the same shaped face as Ethan.

"Mum?" Ethan coughs and the woman turns around. "This is Ashlyn."

His mum runs up to me and takes me into a bone crushing hug. I try to laugh off the pain as she pulls away, staring far too deeply into my eyes, looking up and down my body.

"I'm Sandra!" She beams at me. "The rest of the pack are out on a hunt but they'll be back soon. It's great to meet you, Ashlyn!

"You, too." I smile and Ethan leads me upstairs.

"Mum likes you," he says.

"One down, the rest of the pack to go," I mutter, but Ethan manages to hear me. He squeezes my hand and we walk into what I assume is his bedroom.

It's messy with all of his clothes scattered across the floor. I find a pair of fluorescent pink boxers and hold them up to Ethan, laughing. He flushes a deep shade of red.

"Put those back," he demands, but I can hear the amusement in his voice.

"Sure." I laugh again before placing them neatly in a drawer out of habit.

Suddenly, he groans, running his hands through his hair.

"What is it?" I ask.

"We forgot your stuff!"

"It's hardly the end of the world." I laugh.

"I guess you can just borrow my sister's clothes for a while. You can sleep in here with me, too." He must see the shocked look on my face because he rushes back to my side. "Only if you want to, that is."

"Sure, but please hide all of your fluorescent underwear..."

He rolls his eyes.

I spend the rest of the night with Ethan as he shows me around the house until I start yawning and decide to go to bed. We head back up to his room and he tosses me one of his shirts for me to wear as pyjamas.

"Wear it," he says.


"I want to see you in my clothes," he states, a slight trace of lust in it.

I put on the shirt which goes down to about mid-thigh. I climb into his bed which smells just like him - the woods during winter. He flicks off the light switch, getting in next to me. He pulls me close to his bare chest, making my heart beat at one hundred miles an hour.

"Goodnight, Ash," he whispers.


I wake up, still in Ethan's strong arms. I try to get out of his grip but he's too strong. I shake him gently.

"Ethan, wake up," I whisper.

He turns in his sleep which is enough for me to scramble out of his grasp. I yawn, quietly heading downstairs where I can hear his mum talking. She turns to me and smiles when I enter the kitchen.

"Morning, sweetie," she says.

I turn the corner to see a man who looks practically the same as Ethan, except older and with a thin, clean shaven face. I assume that's his dad so I politely smile.

"Get whatever you want," Sandra says, before exiting the kitchen with her husband following closely behind.

I'm left alone in silence so decide to raid the fridge. I bend over, looking for something to eat when I hear a whistle from behind me. I spin around to see a tall boy with light brown hair and muscular arms leaning against the doorway.

"You must be Ashlyn, the new girl." He walks over to me, and I notice that he has the same chocolate brown eyes as Ethan. He also doesn't have a shirt on. Oh, God.

"You're Ethan's brother?" I ask, facing him.

The corners of his lips quirk up into a smile. This boy was good looking to say the least.

"I guess you've heard about me, then?" he replies, slightly seductively. He strides further toward me until I'm pressed against the kitchen counter and his tall frame hovers over mine.

I'm wordless. You have a mate, Ashlyn! I tell myself, but it clearly doesn't work.

"You know," he leans in closer to me, "Ethan's just a boy. But if you want a real man... Well, I'll be waiting."

My breath catches in my throat. What am I supposed to say to that?

"Grayson," Ethan's voice says from the door. "Hands. Off."

Grayson turns around, letting out a short breath. "We were just playing around, weren't we, Ashlyn?" He quirks an eyebrow up at me.


"Fuck off, Grayson." Ethan comes and wraps his arm around my waist, pulling me into him.

"She's probably not worth it." Grayson strides out of the room, making sure to wink at me over his shoulder as he does so.

"Hey." Ethan grabs me by the shoulders to face him. "You're mine, Ash. Don't forget that."

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