Chapter 5

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Ethan sits behind me in maths seeing as it was the only spare seat. As usual, there were the cheers once I'd finished talking, along with other comments on how I work 'too hard'. Ellie keeps nudging me whenever she sees Ethan look in my direction, which is scarily very often.

"Do your classmates always treat you like that?" he asks me as we walk down the corridor to lunch, his eyes a murky mix between red and brown. I pretend not to notice.

I shrug. "Well, yeah but I guess it's not personal."

Ethan stares at the ground, his hands balled into fists at his sides. I tuck a strand of long brown hair behind my ear awkwardly.

"You shouldn't let people push you around, Ashlyn." He looks up at me then, his eyes turning more of a purple colour. What was up with that?

"What do you mean? I don't let people push me around!" I try to remain calm, but it doesn't seem to be working. "Look, I'm just a bit... quiet about stuff like that, but still, it never gets to me."


"I promise, Ethan. Why do you care, anyway?" That came out a bit harsher than I intended. Crap!

"I just do," he replies firmly. I let out a breath of relief because he didn't sound too agitated. "So, are we gonna get lunch, or what?"


"Guys," I say as I sit down at the lunch table with Ethan at my side, "this is Ethan. He joined today."

"Hi!" Jasmine, Ellie and Lena chorus, staring intently at Ethan. I roll my eyes at them.

"Shįt!" Jasmine says. We all turn around to see Jack Marrow walking towards the table, fixing his black rimmed glasses. "Oh, hi, Jack."

"Jasmine." He nods, then looks at Ethan and his eyebrows wrinkle up in confusion.

"I'm Ethan." He puts his hand out to Jack's but is ignored and awkwardly pulls it away. I bite back a laugh.

"I just wanted to remind you that I'll be picking you up at 7:00 on Saturday for our date."

"Great," Jasmine says, not sounding very enthusiastic. "Actually," she turns to me, "Ashlyn, didn't you say you were alone on Saturday night? Wanna come on a double date with us? Jack can find a friend to bring."

I glare at Jasmine, moving my hand in a cutting motion along my neck whilst Jack's not looking. "I'm sure I don't know what you're talking about, Jasmine."

"Well, my friend Harry is free on Saturday," Jack chips in. "He can be your date."

"I don't know—"

"Come on. It'll be fu—"

"God dammit! She doesn't want to go!" Ethan interrupts, shocking everyone, and even though I see his eyes go red, no one else seems to notice.

"Ethan, it's fine." I turn to Jack. "I guess I can go..."

"Cool. See you on Saturday, then." He walks away, smiling at us over his shoulder as he leaves.

I can't help but wonder why Ethan was so angered about the situation, like earlier when he seemed frustrated about what happened during maths, when the red flashed through his eyes like it did just now. I try to clear my head of such thoughts and carry on as though nothing had happened.

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