Chapter 31

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A week passes and I'm still living with Stefano. We become really close within that time and I never get bored of being with him.

But even when Monday comes, Ethan and Grayson still run on my mind occasionally until Stefano comes by my side and my worries disappear.

That night I'm snuggled up under the covers in bed when I hear a crash of lightning from outside and pull myself further into the covers.

Another crash.

I squeal. I'd always been afraid of lightning since I can remember, and not having any family by my side just made the situation worse.

Another crash.

I full on scream when my bedroom door flies open and someone walks over to me calmly. Even though I can't see in the dark, I know it's Stefano.

"Hey, Lyn," he whispers, taking me in his arms. "It's okay."

"I-I don't l-like lightning," I murmur into his chest.

"Sshhh, come here." Stefano picks me up bridal style and carries me out of my room, before placing me down onto a different bed. The room is pitch black but it smells just like Stefano so I assume it's his room.

He pulls the duvet over us and brings me closer to his chest, rubbing my back soothingly.

"You're safe, you're okay," he repeats until I doze off in his arms.

But the very moment before I fall asleep, he kisses me on the forehead.

"Don't worry, Lyn," he whispers, and I assume he thinks I'm asleep. "You're mine now. No one can hurt you again."


The next morning I wake up in Stefano's arms. At first I'm confused, but then remember last night and everything makes sense. His words play over in my head.

I look at him as he stirs in his sleep, muttering incomprehensible words. His heavy breathing calms me down and I bite back my smile before he begins to wake up.

His eyes slowly flutter open and he looks at me, smirking. "Sleep well?" he asks.

"Yeah, you?" I yawn.

"Great." He winks, instantly making me blush. He laughs before getting out of the bed, bringing his warmth with him.

I suddenly notice he has no shirt on, revealing an insane eight-pack and muscly arms. He smirks and I realise I was staring.

"Sorry," I whisper awkwardly, getting out of bed as well.

"I didn't mind." Stefano laughs before walking downstairs. I follow him and we go into the kitchen.

When we get in, Max is already at the counter eating a bacon sandwich. He smiles at me. "Sleep well, lovebirds?" he jokes, earning a glare from Stefano.

"We slept great, thank you Max." Stefano stiffens up and stands close to me by the table.

"I should go. Dad wants to see you in his office, Lyn," Max says through a bite of bacon sandwich, turning to me. "Good luck."


I knock on the door to Beta Alan's study.

"Come in."

I slowly open the door.

"You said you wanted to see me?" I ask, nervous. The last time I was called into an office resulted in me running away from the people I love, and I definitely didn't want to leave another thing behind.

"You don't have to look so worried, Lyn. I have good news." Alan laughs, replicating Stefano. "Take a seat."

I do as I'm told and sit opposite from him, placing my hands in my lap, not daring to look up.

"As you know," Alan begins, "you've been staying here for a week, and I think we can all agree that you're settling in well."

I nod and look up, signalling for him to continue.

"The pack and I think it's time for a new member. Tell me, Lyn, how would you feel about joining our pack?"

My breath catches in my throat. What do I say? Obviously I wanted to join, but so suddenly?

"Of course you'll need to meet everyone and discuss the details and rituals and things like that, but I have spoken to Alpha Mason and he thinks we could do with some human blood. What do you think?"

"I-I'd love to," I breathe out. "Thank you, sir. I appreciate it so much!"

"No problem. We will discuss details later, but I guess you'd like to tell Stefano?"

"Yes. Thank you so much, Beta!" I say, racing out of his study and into Stefano's suddenly familiar bedroom. "Guess what?" I ask him.

"What?" He smiles.

"Your dad wants me to join the pack!" I grin widely and Stefano pulls me into a hug, spinning me around.

"Lyn! That's amazing news! I'm so happy for you," he says, sounding genuinely happy which warms my heart.

"Yeah, apparently there's some crazy ritual and stuff but still... I can't believe all of this is happening."

"Me either." He looks deep into my eyes, holding my face in his large hands. "Lyn?"

"Yes, Stefano?"

"What if all of this is happening for a reason?"

"What do you mean?" I say, my heart beat speeding up.

"Like, maybe we're... meant for each other," he whispers and I feel him tense up.

"Mates?" I whisper, becoming slightly dizzy.

"Yes," he whispers back, never letting go of my gaze.

Three mates... I had THREE mates? What was wrong with me? And the worst thing was, it all made sense. Like how I felt tingles when we touched, how I felt like I knew him... how I could tell him anything.

"Lyn? Please, don't get mad at me," he whispers in a shaky voice.

"Why would I ever be mad at you?" I close my eyes. "It's just... I don't understand," I tell him, remembering how I said the exact same thing to Grayson when I found out he was my mate too.

It was all happening again, except this time, there was nothing holding me back from being with Stefano. Maybe he was the one I was meant to be with.

"What should we do?" he asks, pulling me closer into him and wrapping me in a hug.

"I need to tell you something," I say into his shoulder. "Just, not now."

"Okay." He nods in understanding. "Do you want some space to think about it?"

I nod. "I'll talk to you later, Stefano. Promise."

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