Chapter 15

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Ethan and I walk through the school corridors together on Monday holding hands. We get a few surprised glances from people and I get bitchy glares, but I honestly couldn't care less. I was the happiest I'd been in a long time, and Ethan just made it even better.

He drives me home from school that day and as soon as I push open the front door, I see boxes everywhere. The furniture is pushed into different positions and the curtains are all gone.

"Dad?" I call out.

He rushes through the kitchen door, holding a roll of duck-tape. "Yeah?"

"What's going on?"

He looks around and lets out a deep breath. "I got a promotion. We're moving away."

"Where are we going?" Panic starts to fill me, and I pray that nothing too bad is going to happen.

"Sydney." Dad's eyes search my face, desperate for a reaction.

I can't breathe.

"I know it's sudden," he starts, "but you'll love it in Australia. The weather's amazing, there's going to be beaches everywhere... You like beaches, right? And you're gonna fit in perfectly at your new school—"

"Dad," I interrupt, "stop it! I have a life here in England! I have friends... A boyfriend for crying out loud! How do you expect me to just abandon everything that matters to me?"

"Honey, I know it's hard, but just trust me. We leave in two days so you best get packing." He sighs again before hiding away in the kitchen.

I run upstairs, slamming my bedroom door shut before letting the tears spill. There are already boxes set out in my room ready for me to pack. It's too much. My emotions pour out of me like they can never stop.

I hear something and wipe my eyes, taking deep breaths as I look around. He's here. I race into his arms, breathing in the scent I loved most.

"Ethan!" I cry. "How...?"

"Through the window. You sent me a mental signal, right? Turns out it's easy to climb the tree in your garden..." His eyes fly over the boxes in my room. "What happened?"

"Dad got a promotion. We're moving to Australia, Ethan. Fucking Australia..." I cry. He envelopes me in his arms.

"Shhh..." he soothes, rubbing my back and kissing my head. "It's okay. I know what to do."

"What?" I sniffle, and he wipes away my tears with his thumbs.

"You're coming to live with me."


"We can't be apart from each other. You can live with my pack and me."

"Really?" I dry my eyes with my sleeves. "Isn't this all a bit soon?"

"So is you moving to Australia, Ash."

I let out a deep breath. "I know. I just..."

"Pack your stuff. We'll leave when you're ready. I'll let everyone know you're coming..."

"Okay but, just let me say goodbye to Aaron and Dad." I try to escape Ethan's grasp but he holds on.

"It's best if you just leave now," he says gently, as though treading on glass.

I widen my eyes at him and another lump rises in my throat. "What?"

He pulls me into a tight hug. "Please, Ash. You have to trust me. It's only going to make everything harder."

I nod absentmindedly and Ethan begins to help me pack. I've stopped questioning him as much as I used to. I understand how he knows if I'm in trouble and stuff like that, but it still bugs me about his eyes and how he keeps his guard up all the time.

"Can you show me how to keep my guard up?"

"What?" Ethan laughs, seemingly shocked.

"You heard me. I want to know how you do it."

He nods and helps me practice as we continue to pack. It's much harder than I thought to hide my colours, and I barely get the hang of it by the time all of my things are in boxes.

We're just about to step out of my room when I grab Ethan's hand. I silently will him to let me say goodbye to my family, but he shakes his head.

Disappointment stabs me in the chest. Everything was happening so quickly. I didn't even know my family were leaving the country until half an hour ago!

Suddenly, we hear Aaron coming up the stairs.

"Ashlyn?" he calls out. "Will you pleeeeease help me pack?"

His footsteps get closer and closer. Ethan opens the window he came in from and pushed me out onto the roof. I grab onto the large oak tree in my garden and climb down.

He follows me, and I hear Aaron yelling out my name again. My heart squeezes in my chest.

I didn't even get to say goodbye.

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