Chapter 10

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In art we do self portraits and Ethan's looks like it was done by a professional, whereas mine kinda looks like a troll.

"Ugly," Peter, the fuck-boy of my year comments as he leans over at my drawing. "Looks like you, doesn't it?"

"What the fuçk did you just say to her?" Ethan growls.

I look at him with wide eyes, heat rising to my cheeks. I hadn't even realised he was sat so closely until now.

Ethan ignores me, staring down at Peter who seems to appear nervous as he gulps with one look at Ethan.

"I-I said I liked her drawing," Peter mumbles. "Nice work, Ashley."

"I thought so. Now lay off Ashlyn or you'll have me to deal with." Ethan gives him one last glare before returning to his work like nothing ever happened.


"What was that about?" I say as Ethan and I walk out of our art lesson.

He looks around the corridor, playing dumb despite the grin tugging on his lips. "What was what about?"

"Don't play innocent with me, Ethan. I heard what you said in there."

He sighs. "It was pretty hilarious though, right?" He looks behind him to check no one's there. "I mean, did you see Peter's face?"

"Okay, it was pretty funny," I agree and we both laugh. I still miss the golden hazel colour that would've been in his eyes if he let his guard down.

"What is it?" he asks me when he sees my expression.

"I miss that golden colour that your eyes go when you're happy."

He doesn't reply, he just looks at the ground as we carry on walking to our P.E lesson.

As the class all walk out onto the field, I notice Ethan in particular, and damn, does he look good in shorts.

During the lesson, I also notice that he's almost super-humanly good at the games we play. Well, I guess he is super human, but he's making it especially obvious by running like 100 mph without even breaking a sweat.

"So, what is it? Do werewolves have like, super talents?" I joke as he drives me home from school.

Ethan doesn't seem to find it funny whatsoever. "We're kind of superior..."

"Like a God or something." I try to lighten the mood, but it seems that something's been bugging him. "What's up?"

"I've been thinking about what you said earlier about missing the golden colour my eyes go when I'm happy."

"Why's that such a bad thing?"

"It makes me feel guilty for hiding my colours from you."

"You know, you don't have to hide them."

"Yes I do." There's a firmness to his voice that tells me not to argue back.

We pull up to my house and I move to get out of the car but it seems that Ethan put child lock on my door.

"Ethan," I say, motioning to the door.

"What do you think of me?" he asks out of the blue.

"What do I think of you?" I repeat. "Why does it matter?"

He pauses before answering. "It's just, you don't notice anything strange about me?"

"You're a werewolf, Eth. Of course you're strange." I laugh, trying to lighten the mood but it doesn't seem to work.

He unlocks the door and we say our goodbyes. I find it strange why he was so desperate to know my opinion of him. Of course I didn't mention the fact that he was the most attractive boy I'd ever seen, but I can't ever say that.

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