Chapter 36

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My head tumbles with questions. Why was Ethan in the forest? Why did I let him hug me? Has he forgiven me? What about Grayson?

My mind won't shut up. I groan in frustration.

"Lyn?" Stefano looks at me from his seat next to me at the dinner table. I hadn't told him about what had upset me earlier, and he seemed okay with it up until now.

"There's just a lot on my mind. Don't worry about it," I say, taking his hand under the table as other people's chatter fills the room.

I can feel him tense up, but try my best not to feel guilty. If I told him it would only make him more worried.


Later on, Beta Alan calls me, Stefano and Max to his office. I walk in with Stefano by my side and we all take our seats as Alan begins talking.

"You're all free this Friday, right?" he asks, leaning forwards on his desk.

"Yes," we all reply.

"Good. We're hosting a dinner with our two neighbouring packs. I hoped you could all come, seeing as we now have Lyn as a new member."

"A dinner?" Max groans. "It's not going to be boring, is it?"

"Who knows, maybe you'll meet your mate," Alan says, making Max smile.

"I'm going then," he says, getting up and leaving.

"Lyn and Stefano? Are you up for it?"

"We are." Stefano smiles, taking my hand and squeezing it. "Everyone will love you."

"I hope so. What are the packs called?" I ask.

"Moon Light and Black Rock," Alan says.

Black Rock... The name sounded so familiar yet I couldn't place it.

We leave Alan's office and go to our bedroom. I flop down onto the bed, sighing loudly.

"You alright?" Stefano says, laying down next to me.

"Just nervous for Friday, I guess," I lie.

"Me too, but I know it'll be fine as long as we're there together, okay? I'll still love you no matter what," he whispers, kissing my temple before we both change and get under the covers.

"Good night, Stefano," I say, drifting off to sleep.

"Night, Lyn."


The week goes by a blur and soon enough, it's Friday. Alan gives me some money to buy a dress and I settle on a short navy blue summer dress with small white flowers dotted on it. Audrey curls my hair into gentle waves and I enjoy doing my makeup.

I come out of the bathroom to see Stefano fixing up his tie in the mirror. He looks at me through our reflection and smiles.

"You look great," he says, pulling me in for a kiss.

Before things get carried away, I pull away from him and head for the door, entwining our fingers.

As we walk down the staircase, the sound of chatter and faint music begin to fill my ears. As soon as we get to the bottom of the staircase Stefano leans down to my ear.

"Don't worry, okay? Everyone's going to love you, Lyn," he whispers, kissing just below my ear before standing upright again. "I'm going to get some drinks for us; go mingle and I'll find you again."

He gives me one last smile before heading off. I walk through the sea of people, looking for someone who I might recognise. I finally spot Liv who I met when I was first introduced to the pack.

"Liv!" I call out to her. She turns around and smiles, heading towards me.

"Hi, Lyn. You look stunning!" she says.

"Thanks, so do you. What's the party like?"

"It's okay, I guess. Just wait until everyone starts drinking. That's when it gets bad." Liv laughs nervously before saying, "I should probably go find Elijah's father. I'll see you around though."

"Have fun." I smile before she leaves me alone in the crowd again. I squeeze past people, trying to find someone else that I know when I bump into someone.

"Sorry," I say immediately, looking up to see the last boy that I would've thought of.

Black Rock. Ethan's pack. That was why it had sounded so familiar.

"You look... Beautiful." His gaze burns straight through me. I still wasn't used to the new Ethan. The stronger one.

"Don't say that," I reply, trying to remind myself that his opinion didn't matter. I rapidly change the subject. "How's Grayson doing?"

"Well, it took him a little while to realise that Lily was never his mate, so he was sad about it at first, but I think he's moved on," Ethan says, clearly trying to get on my nerves.

"That's good," I force out, clenching my jaw.

"I finally found you," Stefano says, smiling and wrapping an arm around my waist before handing me my drink.

"Thanks. This is Ethan." I gesture to Ethan who puts out his hand. Stefano shakes it, clearly remembering who he was.

"It's nice to meet you," Ethan says, plastering on a fake smile. "You must be Stefano."

Stefano nods. "I hear you're now Alpha?"

Of course. I suddenly remember how I was going to become Luna, and guilt tries to creep up on me but I push it away.

"Yeah, it happened a few weeks ago. It's a lot of pressure." Ethan locks his eyes with mine as though to say, 'you should be helping me'.

"I, uh... I'm just going to the loo. I'll see you guys in a few minutes," I say before bolting for it.

When I get there, I quickly fix myself up in the mirror, taking deep breaths before going outside again where Stefano and Ethan still are. I look closely and see that they're... Laughing?

There's also something else that I notice. There's another man with them, and even though it's just the back of his head, it's unmistakably him.


It was too much to take in. All three mates having a conversation like there's nothing wrong. The three people who made me who I am now. I suddenly feel dizzy and the room begins to turn.

"Lyn?" Stefano calls from a distance, and the last thing I see is him running towards me before I fall and hit my head, plunging into darkness.

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