I Was Just Trying To Help, I Swear

Start from the beginning

"What is it?" she hissed, closing the door sharply.

"Ok..." I began, and then I stopped because I had no idea how to say it. If she didn't fucking love him or whatever...

"Rose, I'm counting," she warned.

"Ok, Dom, you won't believe me but I swear to God that it's true ok. Right, maybe a couple of weeks ago, er, the day Scorp's dad came in to school, in fact... or maybe the day after?"

"Rose, you're rambling."

"Sorry. Alright, I was walking past one of those tapestries that's got a room behind it, and I heard someone, er, kissing. Well it was, um, more than kissing, I guess. You know..."

"And?" Dom's heavily eyelined eyes widened. "Oh come on Rose, you're not going to tell me that it was Matt?"

I couldn't say anything.

"Oh my god Rose. That's low," she said harshly. "I can tell you don't like him, but clearly you have some serious problem with him."

"No. It's true Dom!" I said, almost desperately.

"Rose," she began, and she didn't know what to say next. "Just... go, please."

I stared at her in despair. Did I not look serious enough?

"Go away Rose."

I clenched my fists, glared at her and stormed out of the room, slamming straight into someone tall.

I looked up, and prayed it wasn't Matt.

"Rosie, what's up?"

It was Teddy.

I burst into tears.

"Vic, I'll be ten minutes!" he called back to Victoire, who presumably was in her bedroom.

"Come outside Rose," he said calmly, steering my shoulders down the stairs and out of the door. "What's going on?"

"Remember that letter I sent you just before the holiday?" I sniffed.

"Yeah?" he replied immediately.

"Well, I told Dom today, that Matt's cheating on her..."

It was sort of tough to say.

"Did you tell her?" Teddy asked shrewdly.

I nodded wearily.

"How did she take it?"

"How do you think?" I countered. Teddy was smiling slightly.

"That well, 'eh?"


"I'll talk to her Rosie," he promised. "Do you want me to take you home?"

I shook my head and wiped at my eyes. "I'm alright," I smiled weakly. "Matt's a prick, and Dom's being stupid. But I'm fine."

"Ok then," Teddy replied, squeezing my shoulder.

"I'll go home now then. See you in a few days or something."

"Yeah. Bye, Red," he smiled, giving me an awkward one armed hug and walking back into the house. I watched him go back in, before walking back into the house and flooing home.

                Two days later, we returned to crazy family excitement with a big Easter dinner thing at Nana and Granddad's. None of us are even religious (oh no, wait, Audrey is. Very religious. I'm not sure if you even can be religious and magical or whatever. Don't quote me on any of this).

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