So About Tonight...

Start from the beginning

"Is he-" Zaria began looking at him shocked.

"Mhm." I said shaking my head.

He saw us and he mugged me, but smiled hella big at Zaria. He wanna play, we could play.

Just as he was about to up to us, more specifically Zaria, I gently wrapped and arm around her waist and led her into the gift store with me.

The little nigga was fast but I was faster. I turned around and he was mugging the shit outta me. I had to remember he was only like 2 inches tall, but I was bout ready to toss his ass in the water to add moisture to them flammable piles of ashes on his knees. Like he out here looking like Mr. Brown .

When he realized that I wasn't going back outside he flipped me off. Yes the little nigga with the imaginary hairline, premature "I sell the dope on the low" 11's, and "just add water " kneecaps, flipped me off.

I was really bout to do it back but then I realized he was little kid, and plus Zaria was staring at me with a puzzled expression. I laughed at him and turned towards her.

"What was that about?" She said looking at me and turning to look out the window.

I shrugged it off. "You got a little fan club." I said motioning outside.

"Oh." she said giggling.

Ain't shit funny.

"He's just a little kid Wayne. No need to get all worked up." She said shaking her head.

"Little kid or not, he needed to be taught respect. I commend him for recognizing a beautiful young woman, but he needs worry about doing with his hands other than throwing up gang signs." I said annoyed.

She blushed fiercely when I complimented her. " Thank you." she said with a small smile, but I couldn't tell if she believed I was telling her the truth.

There have been times where I've told her how beautiful she is. But she would downplay it and not take me serious.

I realized if I didn't say anything the conversation would take a drastic pause and I didn't want it to stop .

She was looking around the shop, along with the other kids. It's funny cuz she is like was almost as short as them.  However, it wasn't hard for my eyes to single her out in the crowd of people browsing amongst the store .

"You see anything you want ?" I asked her as I found her looking a store rack intently. She was staring at a small ombré colored teddy bear, I could tell she liked it but she didn't say anything for a while.

When she realized I was staring at her, she quickly shook her head.

"No thank you. I'm cool." She said simply.

I raised a brow, "You sure? I saw you focusing intently on that rack over there. You know if want something, all you have to do is ask. I stay telling you this shit but you don't believe me." I said looking down at her.

"Dewayne-" she began.

I just gazed at her unfazed. She blinked twice before letting out a nervous chuckle. Next thing, I know she gazed at the teddy bear again, before picking up the teddy bear. Once she picked it up and squeezed it to test how soft it was, a smile spread across her face, lightening up her features. I felt my heart crash against my rib cage. Even from a simple smile, I couldn't get over how beautiful she was. From the way her nose scrunched up, or the way her squinted, I know I would never get tired of seeing her happy.

I have been observing her long enough to note that she smiles over the simple things. She also really likes stuffed animals. Shit, I'd buy her a whole factory of stuff animals just to see her smiling like that. Looking back up at me skeptically, she held up the teddy bear. I just simply nodded.

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