Part Thirty Four

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Prove Me Wrong - Part Thirty Four

Riley's POV

"Riley there's something I need to tell you," Michelle says, grabbing the remote and pausing the movie. I turn my head to look at her, and she takes a deep breath, before mumbling the three words I have never would have expected her to say. "I love you."

I sat there, staring at Michelle silently. My mind spins, as I try to take in what she just told me. Michelle loves me. I love Michelle, and she loves me.

I lean forward, just slightly, a small enough movement that you'd only notice if you were really focusing. I have to leave tomorrow. Doing anything tonight would only make it harder to leave, and hurt me, not to mention Michelle, even more in the morning. It took every piece of strength I have not to kiss her, not to tell her I love her too. Not to make her mine.

"It's scaring me how quiet you are," Michelle mumbles, biting her lip. That was it. Lip biting has always been a turn on, and with her so close to me, having just confessed her love, I lost all control.

I took her face in my hands, and our lips crashed together. With Michelle's lips on mine, I felt the taste and warmth I'd so long hoped for. An internal combustion of fireworks exploded in my body, heating every surface, every vein, and exploding every nerve.

Whatever I thought was love, or 'right' or happiness before this moment right now, couldn't have been more wrong. This, my arms on her cheeks, her arms wrapped around my waist, our mouths creating fireworks bigger than what you find on the Fourth of July in DC. This is perfect.

I force myself to pull away from Michelle, as I mentally prepare myself for what comes next. I rest my forehead on hers, and stare into her mesmerizing blue eyes.

"Don't say anything that will make me want to kiss you again. If I can't get this all said right now, I more than likely could never stop kissing you long enough to say it," I tell Michelle, and she chuckles.

"Okay," She smiles, and I inhale deeply.

"I hate a lot of things. I hate cliffhangers, and I hate when people are so specific it leaves nothing to imagination. I hate people who think they're better than others, and people who think they can decide on my rights. But more than anything, I've always hated being wrong.

"When I first met you, I told you I would never in a million years fall for you. But you were convinced I would fall head over heels in love. You proved me wrong, and I have never been happier to be wrong. I love you, Michelle," I say, and a smile forms on Michelle's face.

"I love you too. More than I ever thought was possible. I want you to know that no one has ever had me in such a vulnerable place before, ever. Please... Don't hurt me," Michelle mumbles, and I give her a quick peck on the lips.

"That is the last thing I want to do," I assure her.

But sadly, it's the first thing I have to.

Oh god, I'm crying. Real tears are falling right now!

Sorry for posting so late. Just got back from the Kelly Clarkson/Maroon 5 concert. AMAZING!

The speakers stopped working for a full 15 minutes during Kelly's 'Walk Away'. It was insane! I've been to 14 concerts (tickets for two more, whoop!) and that has never happened! She said, as did Adam, that in all their years of touring, never happened to them!

I still smell of bad decision. For those of you who don't know, that's what I call that beer + cigarettes + margaritas + garbagé. Coming to a bar near you. (Sold for regret and humaliation plus shipping and handling)

Sorry, tired and crabby.

Warning, next part will be the last PMW. DON'T WORRY! It's sequel, 'Whatever You Do' will be out shortly (:

But for now, enjoy!

Prove Me WrongOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz