Part Six

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"Hey Riley," I say, tossing my backpack on the ground of our room.

"Hey Michelle," She says her eyes not leaving her laptop. "How was your day?" She asks and I smile.

"It was good. How was yours?" I ask and she shrugs. She makes a mumbling sound before I come closer to her. "Huh?"

"Oh sorry, was I mumbling to myself?" She asks and I nod my head, causing her to give a smile that makes my heart melt. "My day was alright. Classes were easy, and my head was in my story. I have a deadline coming up in a few weeks, so..." Riley drifts off. "Could you read this passage for me?" She asks and I nod my head. I read over the few pages she asked me to and I smile.

"This is really good. It has the same writing style as a book I read a few months ago, called Personal Politics." I say and Riley laughs.

"I'd sure hope so. I wrote that." My eyes widen and my jaw drops.

"For real?" I ask and she nods. "But you're only fifteen!" I exclaim and she blushes.

"I know. But I got noticed, and was offered a book deal, and I took it. One book every six months. Anybody can do it if they put their mind to it." Riley says, dumbing herself down.

"Every six months? You write an entire novel every six months and run 140 miles a week and have straight As? How do you do it?" I ask and Riley shrugs.

"I write a few hours a day, run fast, and pay attention in class and I can still have free time." She tells me and I smile.

"I see. Well, do you have time Friday? About enough time for a movie and dinner?" I ask and Riley laughs.

"I'm not going out on a date with you," She says and my heart starts to hurt. But I'll be fine, I won't ever give up. "But I will spend time with my roommate, eating a burger while we watch a movie on our TV. As friends." She confirms and I laugh.

"Alright, I can handle that."

-----------Friday Night--------- 

"You finished the book?" I exclaim, looking through the list of movies Riley has. "You were only two hundred pages in on Tuesday!"

"And I wrote a hundred since then. Nothing too difficult. What about this one?" Riley asks, pointing to number 4,629, The Shining.

"A horror movie?" I ask and she smirks.

"What, are you scared? Do you need a teddy bear?" She laughs and I grin.

"Oh no, I'm not scared at all. In fact, let's follow it with IT, and Shawshank Redemption." I suggest and Riley smiles.

"Shawshank Redemption isn't scary." She reminds me and I nod.

"I know, it's just a really good movie." I say and Riley laughs.

"Point taken. There we go, our movie plan. Should I make popcorn?" She asks and I nod my head. Riley puts popcorn in the microwave before entering 4629 into a small, black box with a keypad on top. The menu for The Shining pops up, and Riley presses play. I grab a blanket and sit down on the ground, placing my burger on a plate in front of me.

The movie starts, and Riley and I eat our burgers quickly, before Riley takes the popcorn out of the microwave. I hop up on the couch and wrap the blanket around me, before something unexpected happens.

Riley asks to share the blanket. With me.

So what do you guys think? Remember - the more likes and comments, the more readers I think I have, and the quicker I'll update!!! 

Yes, I am bribing you. But it's a good bribe.


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