Part Ten

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"Don't just stare at her! Get under the table!" Riley instructs, tugging at the hem of my skinny jeans until I comply.

"How long are we going to stay like this?" I ask, crammed against her. "Until she leaves. If she spots us, she'll assume we're dating, and then she'll come over and humiliate us," Riley tells me and I sigh. "She eats fast, we won't be under here any longer than twenty minutes."

"While we're under here, can we play twenty questions to learn more about each other? Anything goes!" I suggest and Riley smiles.

"Sounds good to me. I'll go first. How many girls have you slept with?" Riley asks and I widen my eyes. I was really hoping she wouldn't ask that. "About ninty," I admit dejectedly. "But none of them meant anything, it was to mask my pain." I told her, looking at her face showing an indescribable emotion. "How many have you slept with?" I ask and she laughs.

"Just one. I was in a year long relationship before I came here, and although I got a lot of offers here, I just never took them. What pain were you masking?" She asks and I smirk.

"I was lonely. I thought casual sex and drinking would help me out. I still am lonely though. All these girls, they fall at my feet, but none of them want the real me." I tell her and she sighs.

"What is the real you?" "Who I am around you." I tell her, And there is an awkward silence surrounding us.

"She's gone," Riley says, crawling back up into her seat. "I think I'll have the pancakes. There is nothingI love more than pancakes." I make a mental self note before nodding my head.

"I think I'll have the same thing," I gesture for the waitress, who quickly comes over.

"What would you like to have?" She asks, her voice monotone and cold. "I'll have the pancakes and eggs." I tell her and she scribbles down on her pad. "And you, my dear?" She asks, batting her eyelashes. I feel a rage forming in my chest, from the flirting the waitress has going on with Riley. My Riley. Or, I wish she was my Riley.

"Oh, I'll have the same, thanks." Riley smiles unaffected. "I'll be right on that." The waitress winks, before walking away, swaying her hips.

"Did you see that?" I ask as soon as she leaves our sight. "See what? The flirting?" Riley asks and I nod my head. "I've stopped caring. Total strangers hit on me a lot. I don't want that." She says, and I run my hand through my hair.

"Don't want what?"

"Don't want someone who only wants my body. Don't want someone who pretends like they know me when they don't. Don't want someone who pretends to love me and I sure as hell don't want someone who doesn't love me for me."  She says, all in one breath, leaving her breathing heavily by the end. We sit there silently for a while, nothing to really say that can follow that.

"Your food..." The waitress says, handing us our food much quicker than it should have arrived, having obviously pulled a few strings. "And my number." The waitress winks, handing Riley a napkin with her number written on it in bubbly handwriting.

"Thank you, but I won't be needing it," Riley smiles before handing back the napkin. "My heart is somewhere else." The waitress walked away, but a single thought continued to linger in my mind. Where is her heart?  

So would you guys be interested in me posting pictures of the characters, or is that too mainstream? Let me know! New part coming soon!  -S

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