Part Thirteen

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"-And every time a girl came over, Michelle would ALWAYS play house. Of course, we all knew she was a lesbian from the start." Kelsey smiled, and I pouted.

"Stop it Kelsey, this is mean! I'm not telling embarrassing stories about you!" I grumbled and Riley laughed.

"Oh come on Michelle, just one more?" Riley begs and Kelsey nods her head, joining Riley in on the pleading.

"Yeah Michelle, just one more! Or are you too scared?" Kelsey teases, and Riley laughs again.

"No. No more stories about Michelle's early lesbian years. We are done with those. Riley, you said that you have tattoos. How about you tell us about those?" I ask, desperately trying to change the subject.

"Well, I have four. The first," She says, pointing to the feminist symbol on the underside of her left forearm. "Is the symbol for feminism. I was always pretty hardcore about women's rights, so I figured I should get it."

Riley moves her finger to her wrist, and smiles. "This one is the day that my book hit a million copies sold, and the day that I regained faith in myself." Riley extends her left ring finger, showing a small equal sign.

"This one I got first, showing my support for gay rights, and how I believe in equality for all. I really like this one. And the fourth... I'm not going to show you guys." She says, and I frown.

"Oh come on, Riley. Just show us! Please?" I beg and Riley sighs.

"I will show you guys, just this once," Riley rolls down her sock, reading aloud the quote that is wrapped around her ankle. "The people that care don't matter, and the people that matter don't care." Riley smiles. "I got that the day after I left home."

"It's amazing..." I mumble and Riley smiles.

"Thank you. Do you guys have any? Or want any?" She asks and Kelsey nods her head.

"Oh my god, yes! I want to get the lesbian symbol, and tribal print, and a shooting star, and-"

"Don't get them because they look pretty." I cut her off, and Kelsey turns to me.

"Your sister is right. Give them meaning. Otherwise, there isn't a point. What about you Michelle?" Riley asks, turning to me. "Do you want any tattoos?"

"Yeah, just a few small things. Honestly, I always wanted to get matching tattoos with someone that I love." I admit and Riley smiles.

"That's really cute. It's sweet, too." Riley admits, and her phone starts to ring. "Just one sec, you guys."

Riley picks up her phone. "Hello?...Yes, this is her...Really? Are you sure?...Wow, okay. I will be there tomorrow then...Thank you. Bye." Riley hangs up the phone, and stares at us dumbfounded.

"Who was that?" I ask, and Riley runs a hand through her hair.

"Twentieth Century Fox. They want to make my book into a movie."

Oh my goodness, a movie?!? :o I promise, the next few chapters will get reallyyyy good. I have homework to do, and I'm babysitting tonight, so the next two will come later tonight.

By the way, they will run into somebody during the next few chapters, a new character. Can you guess who?(;

Love you guys!


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