Part Eight

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BONUS! At the bottom of this part, much like good cereal boxes is a prize! The prize is me discussing weird song titles. It's pretty cool. I think.

"I knew I was a lesbian when I was eight years old. But I was thirteen when I came out to my parents. My parents were supportive of me with every other decision I made, so I figured they'd be indifferent about this one too. They weren't.

"They told me to go outside, and stay there until I liked boys again. I was out there all night, during which time I was raped. I came running home and cried to my parents, and do you know what the said to me? They said I deserved it." Riley starts to cry, but keeps going.

"I left home that night. I went to my best friends house, and I stayed there, until I got the book deal and was able to rent an apartment. The book was a hit. I was able to start going to this school on my own, paying for it myself. I'm a fifteen year old millionaire.

"Every time I need something with my parents signature, I send it to them and they sign it. That's all the contact I have with them. On my sixteenth birthday, the day I can become legally emancipated, I am going to the court, becoming my own legal guardian and never seeing them again. Ever."

Tears pour down her cheeks, and Riley sobs. I extend my arms for a hug and she comes in. I wrap my arms around her as she sobs into my chest. "It's okay, Riley. You're okay now. I'm not going to let anything happen to you, I promise," I reassure her, rubbing her back gently with my left hand as she hugs me tightly. I use my right hand to grab a tissue and pull back from her long enough to wipe away the tears on her face.

"I'm sorry you ever had to go through that." I toss the tissue in the garbage without moving before turning back to Riley. The tears continue to flow, and I use my thumb to wipe them away.

"Your parents are idiots. Anyone who gets to be so close to someone like you should treasure every second they get. And one day, when you're even richer and more famous, a New York Times Best Selling author, a gold medal olympian, and completely in love with a woman you want to spend the rest of your life with, I bet they won't even cross your mind." I tell her and she smiles. I continue to wipe away tears with my left hand, gently stroking her hair with my right before I smile back at her. "You are easily the most talented, most potential filled, and amazing person I have ever met. Don't let idiots hurt you." I tell her and she hugs me.

"Thank you." She whispers, placing her head on my shoulder. I let her lie there before her breathing gets slower, and I know she's asleep. I place my head on top of hers, place a blanket on top of us, and close my eyes for the greatest night of sleep I have ever had.

Have you ever heard the song 'Slow Dancing in a Burning Room' by John Mayer? If you haven't, go and listen to it. Now. It's about a couple, who is together and the relationship is just... Basically over. They both know it; it's pretty doomed. Ergo the name, slow dancing in a burning room. You're screwed whatever way you look at it, but you just keep going anyways.

Don't get me wrong, I love this song. I love John Mayer in general, but I LOVE this song. But the thing is, I don't feel like the burning room is the best metaphor. I mean, in a burning room, you should just get out, and -oh wait. I get it now.

God damn; that man is a genius. Never mind; I'm wrong. I love the title though, and I'm not deleting this because I wrote it. Shipping name is Miley.


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