t w o: This Can't Be Happening

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I somehow managed to cope through two more days of school without crumbling under the stress weighing down my shoulders. I suffered through three tests, two essays, five hours worth of cross country practice, and managed to schedule the student council meeting that was being held later this afternoon. The new vice president was being revealed today and it felt as if a giant ball of nerves was settled right in the pit of my stomach. Of course, there was a possibility that they wouldn't be that bad, but I couldn't shake the feeling that this would all go wrong.

I walked out of my French class, feeling utterly drained, and it was only Wednesday. I still had to sit through a two-hour meeting, then do an hour of cross country, and I felt like I was going to collapse. As I watched all the happy teens, making their way to the front of the building, not to return until tomorrow morning, I felt envy course through my veins. All I wanted was to go home and curl up with a good book in my pajamas, but that was not going to happen.

I trudged the opposite way as all my fellow students through the halls towards the student council office, dragging my feet along the tile floor.

I pulled open the door that lead to our meeting room, of course being the first one there. I sat down at the head of the table, and glared at the spot next to me meant for Jimmy and only Jimmy, not some charity case.

I waited a couple more minutes, organizing papers on the tabletop to prepare them for the meeting. By now a few more members had come in, and were waiting patiently just as i. My face lit up when two familiar faces walked through the double doors side by side.

My best friend Gemma, accompanied by our friend Darren. They were both heads over heels in love with each other, and anyone with eyes could tell, except they were completely blind to the others' admiration. It was quite amusing actually.

"Tess, please tell Darren that the third Harry Potter book is better than the movie version!" Gemma whines, plopping in the seat to the left of me.

"No, it's not! The best part is the action, and you get more action in the movie!" Darren argues, taking the seat to the right of Gemma.

"Sorry Darren, but I'm with Gemma on this one, the books are always better." I giggle while Gemma puts her hand up, signaling me to do the handshake we created in the fifth grade. Darren rolls his eyes at us, groaning.

"That's not fair! You guys are practically the same person! If I ask one of you a question, both of you will have the same exact answer!" He says while throwing his hands up in the air in exasperation.

"Oh really? Tell me, Darren, if Gemma and I are the same people, then how come you aren't in love with both of us?" I question him, biting back a smile. Darren's cheeks spread with color, as does Gemma's while she smacks my arm.

"Shut up Tess. The meeting is starting." Gemma mumbles, but I can see the smile on her face.

As if on cue, Mrs. Montgomery walks in, closing the door behind her.

"Hello, children! How is everyone this fine Wednesday afternoon?" She asks, smiling wide, eyes flicking about the room.

"Good"s and "fine"s spread around, making her clap her hands together in satisfaction.

"So, today we are-" all of a sudden, she is interrupted by someone harshly flinging the door open.

"Sorry I'm late, I was just trying to avoid this as much as possible."

My head snaps toward the voice and my heart instantly picks up its pace. I know that voice.

It was Roman Anderson.

This can't be happening.

Of course, just my luck, he of all people is who gets chosen for my new Vice President.

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