Chapter Twenty Eight - The Lost Life

Start from the beginning

"We're just messing about, aren't we Matt?" Lied Fred, giving Tyler a nudge.

Matt just frowned and mumbled a "Thanks," as he snatched the crutches I had passed to him.

I watched him attempt to help himself up and tried to muffle a laugh. Even though it was a horrible situation, with everyone still watching and pointing, it was still funny.

"You can always count on Eva to wreck things," complained Tyler, storming off with Fred close behind.

Woah, since when did Tyler pick on Matt? And more importantly when did he grow a backbone?

Soon after Fred and Tyler left, the group of people dispersed, and then finally Matt could hop up and out of the gym.

"What was that all about? " I asked, as I helped open the door for him, "I was gone, only two minutes and then all that happens."

"It was just some losers trying to be funny," he grumbled.

"Are you gonna tell me or should I find out the gossip from Christy?" I questioned, giving him a serious look.

He sighed dramatically and answered, "Well in those two minutes you were gone, Sinner stopped being friends with Fred so he could make Madeline happy and now Fred is trying to make Sinner jealous by recruiting Tyler as his new partner in crime."

"Interesting," I commented, pushing open another door, that would lead us into our maths class. "So why is Tyler being mean to you? I mean, he's like your loyal puppy."

"A loyal puppy that has grown up to be a feral mutt," he snorted.

"Trust me, you guys will be back to being the annoying buddies you always were in no time."

"That's never going to happen," he stated, plopping down in his seat in front of me.

"Yeah, sure sure."

After spending a good fifteen minutes trying to do some stupid algebra with a retard constantly bothering me,I gave up ignoring Tyler and practically screamed "What do you want from me? I'm trying to do this stupid maths, so stop turning around and shut up!"

"Someone's angry," laughed Tyler, finally turning around after probably getting the reaction he wanted.

"Yeah, leave her alone, you're immature," chimed in Matt. I was kinda surprised that Matt stuck up for me. Maybe he was changing a little.

But then what surprised me even more, was when I saw Tyler stick up the middle finger to Matt.

I think Matt and I gasped at the same time.

"Mr Kenam, Tyler put up his middle finge-"

"Get back to work child!" Cut off Mr Kenam, who was as always in a bad mood.

Hmm, maybe I was wrong, and they wouldn't go back to being friends as soon as I thought.


"May, you have to hear this new One Direction song!" I informed, handing May an earphone, "it's the best song ever!"

We were on the bus ride home and I just had to show May this new song.

"You say that about every new song you find," May stated, popping the earphone in.

"No, it's called the best song ever, and it is the best song ever," I corrected.

After watching her facial expressions for a full two minutes to see if she had liked the song, I pulled them out and asked, "Do you like it? Is it the best song ever?"

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