Quality time in the garden

Start from the beginning

"It probably means that they think you're cute," Alice suggested. Girls in this time period would always have a crush on the hot boys at school. Now that Alice thought about it, all the girls in her school loved the people from Wonderland. She didn't blame them though.

"But Alice, why don't you do those types of things to me?" Boris flirted. Alice rolled her eyes while Boris winked at her. 

"Alice, I've caught you a few times checking me out," Blood casually said as if it was nothing. Peter sip his tea all over the table while Alice was blushing like crazy. 

"Leave my precious petunia alone!" Peter barked at Blood. Blood cracked a smile, loving to cause trouble. Elliot laugh and sat back in his chair.

"Oh no! The White Rabbit is getting involved," Elliot chuckled. Peter turned his red face towards him.

"Speak for yourself March Hare!" Peter stormed. Elliot stood up in a flash and gestured to Peter.

"SEE! SEE! HE KNOWS WHAT I AM!" Elliot cried! "It's not that hard people!" Everyone just looked at him like he was crazy. He knew no one really cared, but he seemed to care an awful deal about it. 

"So are you going to trade sides now?" Blood jested. Elliot gave him a dumbfound face. 

"I'm not that desperate boss," Elliot confessed. Vivaldi stood up and threw her tea in Elliot's face.

"Stop fighting at the dinner table! Or you will all lose your heads!" Vivaldi commanded! Elliot was going to kill her! But he couldn't because Blood and Alice were holding in their laughter. He missed them smiling at each other. Blood stood up and helped Alice.

"Come my dear, I'll show you to your room," Blood offered. Alice took his arm and followed him out the door. Peter took a bite of his meal and spoke his mind.

"By any chance do you know who Alice has a crush on?" Peter curiously asked. Everyone at the table looked up from their meal and pointed to themselves. Peter shook his head with disappointment. "All of you are so self centered... It's obviously me!" Peter began to live in his own fantasies describing Alice and his future together. Except no one was really paying attention to him. 

In the Hatter's hallway, Blood and Alice were strolling over to her room. The approach a door that looks like all the other ones in the hallway, except this one has Alice's named inscribed in it.  Alice looked to the door next to it. It had Blood's named inscribed. She shuttered.

"Do you not like it?" Blood asked with concern. He thought Alice would find it cute. 

"No, I like it... It's just, my room is next to yours." Alice inquired. Blood smirked, knowing she would notice. He opened her door and lead her in.

"That's so if you get at night, you don't have to travel that far," Blood whispered in her ear. Chills went up Alice's spine as he released her. Alice turned around to face him, but he was already in his room. She was going to slap him someday, but she was too tired to go to him now. Plus, he would get the wrong idea why she was knocking on his door.

Alice got ready for bed and pulled the covers over herself. The bed was so soft and covered with pillows! This was her bed from Wonderland. She missed. And there was even an electrical outlet for Alice to plug in her phone. Things have gotten an upgrade since she's left!

*Middle of the Night*

Alice was already asleep, but she awoke suddenly when the door slowly opened. A little shadow hopped right into her room. Alice watched as it made there way to the end of her bed. Alice grabbed one of her pillow, ready to fight! 

"Who's there?!" Alice shouted! No one responded. A few seconds later, the little figure hopped onto her bed. Alice screamed and threw the pillow at it.

"My love! That was uncalled for!" The little figure whined. "Although, the pillow does smell like your hair! May I keep it?!" Yep, it was a pervert.

"Peter what are you doing here?" Alice asked. Peter was in his rabbit form, which he was always in when he wanted something from Alice.

"I just wanted to see my love at night! And may I say, you look as lovely as the first time I laid my eyes on you!" Peter complimented! He wanted to sleep with Alice. Alice got out of bed, picked Peter up, placed him outside the door, and slammed it in his face. Alice then proceed to got back to sleep, until there was a tiny knock on the door. 

"ALICE! PLEASE OPEN IT!" Peters high pitched voice called out to her. Alice tried to ignore him, but he wouldn't stop! She got back up and opened the door. There was little Peter White, a cute helpless rabbit, almost in tears. "It's really cold out here!" 

"Just for tonight..." Alice approved. Peter ran into Alice's bed before she could change her mind. She knew he wouldn't change into a man, so she was safe. He would stay a cute little bunny. 

*Later that Night*

Alice woke up a little early and looked over to see her friend.

"Peter..." Alice rubbed her eyes. But rabbit Peter wasn't there... It was regular Peter! Alice grabbed him by the ear and dragged him out of her room.

"See you at school my love!" Peter called romantically to her from the hallway. 


Oh Peter. What a character. 

Hope you enjoyed this chapter and so sorry for not updating in forever! Hope you have a wonderful day!

-Blair Anderson

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