Chapter 31 - They know

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Waking up in the morning with aching muscles was nothing different to the mornings before. I was getting used to it, including waking up smelling breakfast making its way to my room. Xavier on the other hand always woke up tired and with rings under his eyes. You could always tell if he had a restless night. The nurse did her usually routine check-up before we could eat. 'Anne.' She addressed me, waiting for me to look at her. 'How are you feeling?' I nodded my head before replying. 'Better. Pain is leaving.' She simply nodded her head before retreating out of the room and reappearing with a middle aged man wearing pure white from head to toes. 'Miss Kilburney, after a few more routine checks, I may be able to discharge you today or tomorrow.' I grinned before holding my arm out for him to check my blood pressure. 'Go for it!' I practically yelled. He chuckled before running a few tests. He left and promised me he would come back after lunch service. 'Anne.' A croaky voice spoke from the other side of the curtain. Memories of yesterday came back to me, hitting me with a wave of guilt. 'Yes?' The curtain opened and Xavier walked in without any troubles. He looked at the bed and then back at me. I moved over so he could sit down. 'How are you feeling?' He asked, I could tell he was concerned. 'Good.' He nodded his head and repeated good over and over again until I touching his arm making him face me. 'Xavier what's wrong?' He drew in a deep breath and focused on the ceiling for a moment before speaking. 'Riley told me she was confronted by Valentines men. Wanting to know where we were. They traced her call. They know where we are.' I was shocked. I grinned and stood up off the bed and paced across the room putting all the pieces of my plan into place. 'What are you doing?' Xavier questioned. He was now leaning against the edge of the bed with his arms folded across his chest. 'Thinking.' I replied smugly. He moved his hand in a horizontal circle 'and?' signifying he needed me to elaborate. 'As the genius that I am.' He smirked but I continued. 'I have a plan.' I got a spare piece of paper and started to draw on the floor. I was pretty sure Xavier had his eyes trained on something else above the paper. 'Xavier. Eyes are up here and papers down there. Chose.' He pouted before sitting next to me. I continued to draw until I had a map of our room. 'Okay. So, once the doctor discharges me later this afternoon, I will sneak you out later tonight and we follow them back once they realise we aren't there.' I continued to talk until the smell of lunch wafted through our door. We bolted back to our beds and I hid the plans. Everything was relying on me being discharged. If that didn't happen, we could kiss our lives good bye.

It was past one and the doctor still hadn't come in. I was getting nervous and worried that my plan won't work. I kept on drinking water so I would look healthy, unfortunately I didn't think it through properly and took constant visits to the toilets. Great going Anne. Xavier had gone down to the community room as the nurses suggested it would be best for him to socialise a bit more with other patients. He complained until they threatened to sedate him again. That shut him up pretty quickly. I was on my way back to from the bathroom when I saw that the door to my room was wide open. I quickened my pace while trying not to seem suspicious to passing nurses. I rounded the corner and flung open the curtain hiding my bed. The doctor was sitting there on the edge of the bed tapping the little table with the draws underneath. I failed to notice that the draw was slightly open. 'Anne. Nice of you to return from that break of yours.' He smiled warmly but the warmth didn't reach his eyes. Something about him seemed familiar but not in a good way. I nodded sitting on one of the chairs next to the bed. 'I am afraid we can't discharge you today. We need to keep a bit more of any eye on you before we let you go.' My heart sank. This was the end for me. Valentine was going to win.

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