"I am," I said not moving one inch. I was scared as hell trying not to move my head or look down and I bet that he has that stupid smirk on his face.

I took the courage and looked at him "Look I said something's and I swear I didn-" the ride stopped at the top "wow, ummm what's going on" I looked down then quickly back up

"Um we stopped," he said casually

"I know, w-w-why did we stop?" I said stuttering

As Harry sat there in silence "ummm okay" I said closing my eyes "Look I'm really sorry I didn't mean to say that, I just got jealous" my eyes were still shut " and I want to make this, us work no matter what. Yeah and if we got down we'll talk about it"

"Oh who know when that will be?" He said with a hint of laugh with it

"Please don't say that"

"Look maybe you need something to distract you of it"

"We're 60 feet's in the air how do you expect me to posib-"

The next thing I know is feeling a warm lips on mine, I opened my eyes from how shocked I am then closed it and kissed him back, and forget about the butterfly's in my stomach the whole fucking zoo was in my stomach. Then the Ferris wheel started to move again but he still didn't let me go, we arrived down when Harry said "one more time" I laughed and went back to kissing him.

_____(In his car)______

"I really had a great time," I said while intertwining our hands

"Me too. Why are you staying at Liam's house?"

"Umm my mom is renovating the house"

"So you're staying there until your house finishes"

"I don't know I'm actually looking for a house"

"You can stay at my house"

"What" I looked at him with eyes wide open

"Look I'm that kind of guy when a friend is in trouble, I help"

I looked at him then back at the road then back to him "what's the proposal exactly?"

"Wonderful house, swimming pool included"

"I'm listening," I said smiling

"Full use of the land line"

"Keep going"

"And you get to see this amazing person everyday" he said gesturing at himself

I laughed, "I'll think about it"

"Take your time"

He pulled in at Blair's apartment


"So walk me to the door" I said


He walked me to the door "so did you think about my proposal?"

"I'll let you know tomorrow"



"So see you tomorrow"

He leaned in and kissed me, he kissed my lips. A door swished right open and we stopped before things got any heavier.

"I get that the date went smoothly," Blair said

"See never too late to ride with me and come home with me. We can complete what we started," Harry whispered in my ears

I pushed him and laughed "goodnight Harry"

"Good night" he kissed my lips one more time then went to his car and drove off.

"How was it" Blair said opening the door for me to come in as I followed her

"Perfect" I said

"Oh not again, not one of your nights" Liam said

We both ignored him and sat down "we fought but then we kissed it was amazing then he asked me to move in with him"

"WHAT" both Blair and Liam said at the same time

"You know this is a big deal for Harry right," Liam said

"I know it is for me too I mean I know him but"

"Will you say yes?" Blair said

"Please say yes," Liam said as Blair pushed him "what! Then we get to have our se-"

"Liam" Blair pushed him again

"Hmmm" I said, "I'll go sleep. Goodnight" I said kissing both Blair and Liam on the cheeks

"Goodnight and you might want to close your door tonight, Blair is a loud moaner"

"Ewwwww" I shut the door.

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