Chapter 23: Lucy's come back

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[Lucy P.O.V]


I covered my ears. They are way too loud, aren't they?

"Lu-chan!" Levy jumped and hugged me. Ad then people just kept jumping onto me. Its not that I don't appreciate it, but its just that......

"YOU'RE SUFFOCATING ME! " I complained. All of them back away and began asking me loads of questions. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. Too much happened lately and I wondered if I have changed.

✦*.:。✿* ✦ *.:。✿* ✦*.:。✿* ✦

Levy quickly filled me in of what happened and what they found out and everything made sense now.

"Listen carefully, I actually escaped from the fake Natsu because he was sleeping and I took the chance to run! It had been a long journey but I have a lot of things to tell all of you! " I grinned.

"The fake Natsu is actually as dumb as this Natsu- "

"Hey!" Natsu looked insulted and we all laughed.

"So he wasn't that bad- just really annoying and his head is filled of evil ideas that seemed to be forced into his head..." I muttered, "Child at heart, adult at head if you know what I mean. "

"As expected of Natsu! " Gray smirked, trying not to laugh.

"THE HELL?! " Natsu exclaimed, his face looking pissed off.

I stifled a giggle. They haven't changed a bit.

✦*.:。✿* ✦ *.:。✿* ✦*.:。✿

"We need to figure out what is happening..."

"And we have the to prevent that future from happening. "

"Is Juvia feeling better? " I asked worriedly.

"No, she is getting worse every second, and I'm afraid I can do nothing about it, " Wendy's voice trembled. She wasn't used to being so helpless.

"If Gray is by her side, I'm sure she'll be alright, " Mirajane pops in and smiled gently.

I nodded. So much had happened in my absence, huh?

2 days later...

"Someone who already knew about this secret heard us. But that person who was spying on us was spied by someone else who didn't know about this secret and so he spreaded the secret to the entire world. And the humans who wanted power or revenge drank wizards or Vampires blood. The Wizards and Vampires were furious, thinking that it was either of them who spilled it, so both species started a war. Humans joined in the war, wanting to take this opportunity to take over the wizards and Vampires. Of course, the wizards and vampires were unhappy, thus, the war became larger and larger, affecting all the ones who aren't in the war and led the world to end somehow, " Juvia said, her face twisted in pain.

"The scene was horrifying and many of us died, " Juvia continued silently, "There is a way to stop all this, just- "

Before she could finished her sentence, blood splattered everywhere and Juvia spew out blood continuously.

"Juvia! "

"Juvia-san! "

"I will not let you spoil my plans, Fairy Tail. " A tall, thin woman with slanted ebony eyes smiled viciously with her blood red lips. She has long pink hair and was wearing a black dress, and has a white checkered scarf around her neck.

"The next time you try to stop me, I'll kill every single one of you, " As soon as she finished her sentence, she disappeared out of thin air just like how she appeared out of thin air just now.

All of us were either too terrified or shocked to react.

"J-juvia? " I reached out to her, my hands trembling. She coughed out blood and blinked.

"...kill...h-her. " She forced the two words out and closed her eyes after finishing her sentence. Wendy quickly tried to heal her. Tears filled Gray's eyes.

"Stop pushing yourself too much, idiot, " He muttered quietly to Juvia.

Wendy's face became as pale as a white sheet of paper. She was sweating a lot and has a pained expression. Her legs were trembling very badly.

"Wendy, you did too much healing today, you'll die, you know?! " Carla warned the Vampire healer, with worry written on her face.

"I won't, Carla. I'll make sure every one of us live, " She exclaimed fiercely with determination.

"Lu-chan! " Levy shouted, running towards us with papers in her arm.

"That woman that appeared just now is no ordinary person. That black flower mark on her palm shows that she is from a dark vampire guild. "

"Also, I think its no doubt that she's related to Natsu, because Natsu is the only Vampire in this world with cherry pink hair. "

"Sister? But I don't think I have one..." Natsu scratched his head, frowning.

"I don't know why but I'm extremely sure of it. I mean look at their pink hair. And she has a-"

"THE SAME SCARF AS NATSU?! " I gasp, suddenly remembering.

Levy nodded, "I've observed it too, while in fear. She is terrifying. "

"She looks like someone too, but I can't figure out who..." Levy muttered.

-End of Chapter-

I'm so sorry for not updating for so long, I've been so busy that I even forgot to check Wattpad. ╥﹏╥ I'll take really long to update chapter 24 because my exams is next week and will only end in three weeks rip.

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Thank you for reading and have a nice week ahead! ❤

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