Chapter 10: Cracked friendship

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[Lucy P.O.V]

I expected to land on something hard but I landed on something soft. Are there humans down there?

"Luce!" Someone complained under me,"You're heavy!"

Natsu's voice. Oh yes, we fell into underground. The hole is sure deep. I gave him a smack for being so insensitive.

"How do we get back up?" I mumbled. In the first place, why did I even ran to Natsu instead of Sting?! 

"You know what, Luce?" He asked with a quiet voice.


"Your blood smells really good sometimes." 

My eyes widened. I had forgotten that he's a Vampire because he always acted like a normal human. Not to mention that, the first time we met, he was going after my blood. I shivered in fear. What's going to happen to me? Will my blood be sucked dry? Or will Sting, my prince charming come to my rescue again?

"I had mastered to resist human blood, but no Vampires in this world can resist Royal Blood. Especially in the dark." He whispered. Despite being in the dark, I could imagined his thirsty eyes fixed on my neck. 

Somehow I'm not that terrified, because he's Natsu after all. I know he won't hurt me, right?

"With Sting and Aya there, I couldn't smell your blood like how I could now. Now your blood smell is really really strong and I feel really really thirsty, Lucy. I haven't tasted human blood for hundred of years already," He continued the 'blood' topic.

I'm starting to doubt him, what if he loses control? He has never called me anything but Luce. My heart is thumping so hard. I am starting to feel scared...

He moved closer and grabbed me. 

"N-natsu, please stop..." I trembled. However, he didn't reply me. Instead, I could feel his teeth coming for my neck and his hot breath tickled my neck. I struggled but he was way too strong, even stronger than a human man, how can I escaped him?
Cold sweat kept rolling down as I squeezed my eyes shut, bracing for the worst.

Rather than feeling his fangs sinking into my neck, he roughly pushed me away.

"I'm s-so sorry, Luce. I wasn't supposed to hurt you like this," I felt the remorse in his voice and his words were shaking...

"I h-hate myself so much..." He cried, "I don't want to be a Vampire! I don't want to smell your blood every time I see you! I hate it!"

I wrapped my arms around him, "Please don't hate yourself, Natsu."

His tears wet my shoulders.

"I didn't know Natsu cry, " I laughed quietly, hugging him tighter. 

"I didn't know Natsu needs comfort too, " I added silently.

[Aya P.O.V]

"Lu-san! Natsu-san!" I shouted at the top of my lungs. 

Seriously, how deep is this hole? I hope Lu-san is alright...

"Sting-san, let me go deeper!" I hollered to the top. You see, Sting used a rope to lower me down to find Lu-san and Natsu-san.

"Its dangerous!" He replied. I rolled my eyes. Apparently, this Rebel underestimates me. So guess what I did? 

I used a knife and cut the rope. And down I go! I squealed in delight, this is so fun!

I landed perfectly with my feet on the ground. And I smirked and flipped my hair proudly. See? This is a small problem for Aya. Now, the problem is...

A Vampire in Love | NaLu Fairy Tail FanfictionWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt