Chapter 13: Not another death

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[Aya P.O.V]

She's the one who gave me freedom. She's the one who risked her life for me. And yet I despised her secretly. I am so ashamed with myself. Why is it that when someone truly cares for me, I mistake it for something else?

Why did Lu-san die? Why didn't I die instead? This world is too unfair. 

Tears just kept on falling while my ears blocked out Natsu-san and Sting-san's cries. I couldn't hear anything. My vision is black and white. My heart is tearing apart. 

It hurts. A lot.

I gritted my teeth and let my feelings out by screaming with tears spilling down. [Refer to Image]

[Lucy P.O.V]

I felt warmth swimming into me. It feels like... magic?

My eyes slowly lifted opened. I could see everyone crying.

"I'm not dead, " I croaked. All their eyes immediately turned to me, which was filled with shock.

I felt energy flowing in me and I couldn't understand where the energy came from. I looked down and saw Aya-chan's hand touching mine. Is she healing me?

Aya-chan looked at me with a warm expression while color seemed to drain from her face at rapid speed. 

"I had loads of fun, Lu-san!" She whispered softly as if she was out of breath. Her beautiful pink hair swayed from right to left slowly. Natsu and Sting looked depressed--- why?

"Thank yo-" Before she could finish, she collapsed on the ground. I squealed in fright and quickly sat up to take a closer look at her. 

"Aya-chan?" I tried to feel her heartbeat. But I felt nothing. There wasn't a heartbeat where there should have been one.

She used her own life energy just to bring me back to life. And I was the one who caused her death. If I didn't asked her to go along with me to save Levy-chan, she would still be fine. 

Its all my fault. All my fault she's dead. 

My eyes are blank, unmoving and filled with despair. My heart is empty, hollow and broken. First, my Mother's death, then I lose Sting. Now Aya-chan dies. I really don't feel like living anymore.

[Natsu P.O.V]

"Luce?! Lucy?!" I shook Luce, she wasn't moving with her eyes wide open and heart beating. It scares me. 

"My life is meaningless." She stared at me blankly. My heart suddenly felt a sharp pain and a rush of sadness washed over me. All of this feels new, I've never had this strong, strange emotions for anyone but Igneel, my adoptive Father who went missing when I was little. And its somehow different.

I awkwardly put my arms around her and blurted out, "I'll be your meaning to live."

She didn't reply but she started sobbing onto my chest. How could Aya just die so quickly?! Shock and sadness filled my heart but I doubt I felt as sad as Luce.

"Luce, are you alright?" Sting reached out his hand to comfort Luce. 

But I slapped his hand away and snapped, "Don't ever touch her again."

How dare he hurt her like that last time! That bastard! He'll never get away with this!

"I'm sorry." He muttered, his face had shame written clearly on it, but I continued glaring at him. 

╳  G O L D E N  D O O R S  N I N E  O P E N I N G  ╳   

Books surrounded us everywhere. We walked towards the chairs and table that is in the middle of the room. A mini fridge sat beside the table, which contained enough food to last all of us for at least 2 days.

"Dear Intruders, if you made it into door nine, it means that one of you died for all of you in Door eight. In this door, you have 24 hours to collect information to conquer Door ten, the last door. When you are done, just move to the door! This room will explode in 24 hours, so make sure you manage your time well! Good luck!"

"We got into the next door because of... Aya." Sting muttered and Luce cried harder. Her pain is beyond mine, for I am unable to feel her pain of losing a precious, best friend.

I hugged Luce tighter and said nothing. I didn't know what to say. I really have no idea.

[Lucy P.O.V]

Levy's cheerful smile suddenly crossed across my face. I can't just cry. I have to save whoever I can right now. I can't change the facts that already happened.

I wiped away all my tears and sat upright. I have to look for information to Door ten. My vision became blur and then I fell into darkness. 

"-ce! -uce! Luce! Luce!" The faint voice slowly became clearly as I opened my eyes. 

"I f-fell asleep?!!" I suddenly realized. I bolted upright and saw Natsu and Sting eating breakfast. 

"We just wasted 12 hours!" I exclaimed to them. 

"We need sleep and food, so we're not wasting time!" Sting replied, with his mouth full.

"Yeah, I feel refreshed after sleeping!" Natsu piped in. 

"Do vampires actually eat human food and sleep??" I narrowed my eyes. 

"Yup! Blood is just tastier and blood is essential for us to survive. And sleep is not a must but we feel more energetic if we sleep." He explained.

"How many days can you survive without blood?" 

"1 year." 

We chatted casually and enjoyed our breakfast, instantly forgetting about the troubles we had.

"One hour left, " The door warned us. Oh no! We have been relaxing too much! How the hell do we find information in this large room of books?!

One hour later...

╳  G O L D E N  D O O R S  T E N  O P E N I N G  ╳   

Instead of landing into the room immediately like always, a transparent door stood in front of us. What is so special about door ten?

Sting, standing in front of us tried opening the door first but the transparent door seemed magical because Sting could literally walk through the transparent door without opening the door at all.

Before I could walk through the magical door with Natsu, Sting held up his hand, signalling a halt and million of questions swirled in my head. Sting turned around and-

The door is soundproof. But I saw him mouthing, "Hold your breath..."

His mouth curved into a smile with tears falling from his eyes and then, he disintegrated into ashes in a few seconds.

My eyes and mouth widened open in pure shock as I stood rooted to the ground. No, tell me this isn't happening. Not another death.

-End of Chapter-

Thank you chuanhuixin for helping me to edit the grammar mistakes in this chapter! Dedicating this chapter to you!

Thanks for reading! (:

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