I mess up everything

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I barely slept that night thinking about everything. The recent events were making me depressed and although I didn't want that, it's just not something I had control over and that made me feel even worse. I opened my eyes and saw Noodle. I got up carefully, picked her up and sat down with her on my lap.

''Hi Noodle, how are you?'' I always found it very relaxing to talk to her. ''Stevie and I are having some issues and sometimes it's really hard to keep my hopes up.'' Noodle cuddled up in my lap and I petted her between the ears. ''Maybe I'm also making it worse. I can't really break the contract with the studio but perhaps I could work long distance. A year ago I was still in school and I couldn't wait to move out of my parents house but I wasn't expecting this. I am so young and when I think about the life I used to have back home I miss it. I had my group of friends, they were so dope and supporting...I really miss them. I miss getting high with them and chilling, I miss just being with them even if nothing was happening. Now I have so many things to worry about like if the money is going to me enough to pay the rent or if I am smoking too much, or how am I gonna get over my depressions without Kamri...''

I hear something and turned around to see what it was.

''I don't want you to feel like you're wasting your life with me'' Stevie looked very sad. ''I am sorry if I'm not communicating as much as I should and I know that we are not married and I putting too much pressure on your shoulders. Sometimes I forget how young you are, I am sorry.''

''I didn't know you were awake. I was just bursting out what's going through my head to Noodle.'' I really wasn't expecting her to be listening. I put Noodle on the floor and sat on the bed next to her.

''I'm gonna call them I say I don't want the job'' Stevie said.

''I don't know what to tell you right now. I woke up feeling very depressed so I don't even have the power to argue or make you see that it's your dream. The only thing I can say is that I'll help you apply to modelling agencies here in LA and hopefully you'll get in and you'll be able to do what you love near our house.''

''I know you miss your friends and I don't know as much about you as they do but I want make this work between us.''

''I know babe, you're doing a great job. I know I'm not easy to deal with and I'm sorry about that.''


The next week was kind of weird. Stevie ended up refusing the job offer and I felt really bad about that so I ended up isolating myself because I didn't know how to deal with her.

''Hi, are you Ally Hills?'' I was living the studio and this girl just randomly approached me.

''Yes. And you are?''

''I'm Eliise, I work in the studio as well. I heard a lot about you, everyone is really pleased with your work.'' She seemed really nice. She had short blonde hair and was kind of tomboyish.

''I am very glad to hear that, I try my best'' I smiled. Even when I'm depressed, when I am with someone who doesn't know about my life I try to smile and seem happy. I like it when people are nice to me so I always try to be nice to them even if I'm not feeling so well.

''I was about to go get a coffee before heading back home, would you like to join me?''

''Yes, that sounds very nice'' I looked at the time and it was 11pm. Maybe Stevie was waiting for me but I'm not in the best mood so I'll go get coffee with Eliise and go home after.

We got to Starbucks, asked for our coffees and then sat down. We talked a lot about music and I found out she liked the same kind of music I did and she also liked to draw. She showed me some of her work and I was mesmerised.

''You are a great artist, I love your work!''

''Well, thank you. It relaxes me a lot to draw, it's one of my absolute favourite things to do.''

''You are really good at...'' my phone vibrated so I got it out of my pocket and checked it. It was a text from Stevie asking if everything was alright and when I would get home. ''Fuck, it's already 1am! I can't believe it's so late, I really need to get back home.''

''Oh yeah, I didn't notice it was this late either. Well we should do this again, I really liked getting to know you.'' She smiled at me. Wait, is she flirting with me? I thought I had found a cool friend and we were just chilling but the way she is looking at me is making me have second thoughts. I should really get out of here.

''Yeah, sure. I really need o go now, bye.'' I stood up, got in my car and drove home.

When I opened the door the lights were off so Stevie should have gone to bed already. I stepped inside and I almost fell. I was able to keep my balance but I decided to turn on the lights, that's when I saw that the whole floor was covered in rose petals. Did Stevie do something for me and I missed it? Maybe that's why she texted me? She wanted to surprise me and I fucking spent the night with that girl who now I think was flirting with me. My phone vibrated again, it was a text from an unknown number.

''I got your phone number from your manager, I hope you don't mind. I really liked to spend time with you tonight. Sleep tight, I'll see you tomorrow :)''

''Fuck, I am always ruining everything!!''


Thank you for reading, I hope you enjoyed it.

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Instagram: kat.purplack

Tumblr: itsatrapdontgrowup

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