Too many stuff

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I felt little kisses on my forehead and couldn't help but smile.
"Good morning beautiful." I hard Stevie say in her cheerful voice.
"Hi pretty" I snuggled into her boobs and smiled even more. "You are here".
"I told you I would. Did you like last night?" She asked smiling.
"I lorved it!" I looked at her and then kissed her. We stayed in bed for a bit and then decided to have some breakfast. We walked to the kitchen and when I was about to start eating when someone knocked on the door. I got up and opened the door.
"Hello Mr. Granell" it was my landlord. I totally forgot to do the deposit of the rent this month. I had been having some money issues and then I forgot to pay the rent, fuck.
"Hello miss Hills, I'm here because I have not received your money yet". I could see he was upset but he had the right to.
"I know, my family came to visit me this week and I haven't had much free time. I'll to it right away though."
"It's alright, I think you are a good tenant so I'll let this g but don't be late again!"
"Thank you. By the way, I've been thinking about getting a roommate. Is that alright?"
"Well, yes. You have the contract so you know the regulation, just let me know when you find one and then we can figure it out."
"Good, thank you again."
"I really have to go now. Have a nice day." He said turning around.
"You too." I closed the door and walked back to the kitchen.
"Is everything ok? You took so long I was about to go check on you."
"Everything is alright, don't worry" I sat down and kept eating, she didn't seem very convinced but she didn't say anything about it.
"I have to go to work today, so I have to leave soon".
"I have some stuff to take care of at home as well, so I have to go too." She seemed sad but I had to hurry up do I gave her a kissed and got in the bathroom to get ready.

When I got back from work I had a letter on the floor and I just hoped it wasn't from the landlord again.
When I opened it I got really happy because it was from one of the music studios I had sent CVs to. The letter said they wanted to know more of my work and asked if I could go to the studio and talk to them.
My parents were thrilled to know the news and we decided to have diner together.

On the next morning I went to the studio and I ended up staying the all day. I got to know a lot of amazing people and everything was extraordinary. They said they would be interested in working with me and that I could record an album and do live performances. I really liked the place and everyone was really nice. Thing were finally getting better for me.
I looked at my phone, I haven't heard from Stevie in a while, where would she be?





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