At least try

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''Hi babe, what are you doing still awake?'' She looked at me and she seemed sad. ''What's going on?'' I put her hair behind her ear and she got a little bit closer to me.

''I...she knows you so well...and you get along so easily and you are always laughing together and I tried to make part in the conversation but it's hard when you are talking about thinks I don't know.'' She said it like she had it traped inside of her for the whole day. It took me a bit to understand what she was talking about but then I realised it was about Kamri, I felt bad for her and I didn't know what to say.

I hugged her tight and kissed the top of her head. ''Stevie, I know Kam is probably the person that knows me and understands me the best.'' She stepped away and looked at me like she really was interested in whatever I was about to say. ''She got in my life when I really needed someone there for me and I didn't have anyone, she understands me in her weird way and we have taught so much to each other, I would not be who I am today if it weren't for her. Memories and good moments are created with time and we've spent a lot of time together, but I don't want you to feel bad about that. I'm sorry if we spent too much time today talking about our little adventures and I didn't get to pay much attention to you, I really am'' I looked into her eyes for a moment and a deep silence fell in the room. ''Tomorrow, if you want to, we'll go to a different place and do something fun the three of us. I'd really like for you to get to know her better and understand why I love her, she is an awesome girl once you get to know her'' I smiled at her and wished she would be a little more excited with the idea.

''Ok'' I kissed her forehead and hugged her again.

''Don't be said, I love you''

''I know you do'' She hugged me really tight and whispered ''I love you too, a lot, and I don't wanna loose you''

''You won't.'' We fell asleep in each other's harms.


I woke up with the sun in my face, coming from the window. I checked my phone and it was almost 1am, Stevie was of course still sleeping and Kamri was probably sleeping as well, none of them were morning people. I woke up Stevie and she went to take a shower.

''Don't you want to come with me?'' She asked before leaving the room.

''I need to wake up Kamri and she if wee have something to eat for breakfast'' She looked upset but she didn't say anything.

I went to the living room and found Kamri reading her book. ''Morning, how long have you been up girl?''

''Not long, I just didn't want to wake you up so I decided to read. Where is Stevie?''

''She is taking a shower. I'm going to make us something to eat, also today I thought we could go to this river and do a picnic or something.'' I turned around and started walking to the kitchen.

''Ally! Calm down, you are thinking about to much stuff, just relax.'' She got up and followed me to the kitchen. ''You move your ass to the shower right now! I'll take care of the food.''

''Kamri, you don't have to''

''I didn't ask you Ally, I told you to get in the shower with your girl! Also, you can't cook, I'll do a much better job.'' I looked at her for a second. ''Move Ally!''

''I love you'' I gave her a kiss on the check and walked to the bathroom. Of course Stevie was thrilled to see me and I was really happy that she was in a better mood.

We left the house, got in the car and I drove us to the river. When we got there we sat down eating and smoking and chatting. 

''We've been here just si for too long, let's explore this area a little bit.''

''Yes!'' I said excited. We all got up and started walking along side with the river. Kamri decided to collect stones, as usual.

''Why is she doing that? It's not really useful to have a tone of stones'' Stevie asked me.

''Just ask her, maybe you'll get her a bit better'' I suggested. I really wanted them to understand each other and get along better.

I decided to walk a bit further away from them so that they would interact more. I decided to take my shoes off and put my feet on the water. Soon enough I found out there were little orange fished on the water and got really entertained watching them. 

All of the sudden someone pushed me and I fell into the water. When I came back up I realised it was Stevie and Kamri.

''Really funny, girls'' I said swimming back to them. ''I see you are getting along really well''

''Yeah, we are. You should see those stones, they're really cool. some of them sparkle!'' Stevie seemed enchanted with her discovery and that made me really happy.

They ended up jumping in the water with me and when the sun was coming down we got out of the river and tried to dry a bit before getting in the car and drove back home.

I was really happy that Stevie really got to understand what a great person Kamri was, by the end of the day they were both laughing together and making jokes and that was awesome.

''I understand you now, I'm sorry I was jealous of Kamri. She really is an awesome girl'' Stevie said when we were about to get into bed.

''I'm glad you think that way now.'' I walked closer to her and put her hair behind her ear. ''I love you'' I said smiling to her.

''I love you'' She pressed her lips against mine and I could feel her smiling while she started taking my shirt off.

''I don't even know why I get dressed to get in bed with you'' I whispered to her ear.

''Me neither''

Thanks so much for reading. don't forget to vote and leave a comment.

Follow me on instagram, I just started it (kat.purplack)

Also, I'm thinking about writting another story. Let me know what do you think about that. do you want it to be a Stally fanfic still or something totally different?

Have a nice day,


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