Who is she?

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The day finally arrived. I woke up really early and said goodbye to everyone in the house. I figured I had to much bags so I ended up sending some of them and I only took a back pack with me. I had to catch two trains to get there and it was a long trip so I just put my headphones and turned on the music.
Suddenly I hear a phone ringing. I must have fallen asleep I guess and the noise made me wake up. It took me a while to figure out that it was actually my phone ringing! When I look at him I see it's Danny.
"Hey Danny, everything alright?"
"Hi All, yeah I was just wondering how much time you are gonna take to get here" he seemed stressed out.
"I just woke up but I think I am almost there. I still have to catch another train but it's quick."
"Oh good. So like at list and hour still?" He was sounding really weird.
"What is happening, is everything ok with you?"
"Well I forgot I had planed a party at my house today and I have to cancel it and it's a lot of people so it's gonna take a while."
"Nonsense! You don't need to do that, it will be great to have a party!" I was really excited, maybe it would be fun and I'll get to meet new people.
"Thank you so much Ally! Love you, see you soon"

I kept listening to music on the second bus and soon I arrived to Danny's street. I decided to call him so that he would tell me exactly which one was his house.
I finally found the house and I knocked. It was a really cool house, it had a backyard that I could barely see and at least two floors.
"Hey Ally! How long, I miss you!!" Danny said opening the door.
"I missed you too Danny." I said happy to see him again.
"Well, come in. I have an extra room for guests, you can put your stuff there and lets hang out!" I forgot how much energy he always had.
We arranged some stuff for the party and he showed me the rest of the house. Turns out he has a swimming pool on the back yard and several games prepared, which was great.

About 10pm some people started showing up. I didn't know most of them but because they are all friends with Danny I think we will all get along.
At 11pm the house was full of people and was starting to get kind of lost. I had to much to drink and to smoke so I decided to go outside and sit on the side of the pool. I rolled a cigarette and started smoking. Suddenly I saw this beautiful girl. She was wearing a black dress and her hair had red tips. Wait, I have seen that face. It's probably just the alcohol. I keep smoking my cigarette and when I look back at her she is looking right at me. My heart starts racing and I can't breath. Why am I acting like this? Why do I keep staring?
"I think this is yours" she said handing me a piece of paper. Then she left. What was that? I didn't have any paper that could have fallen. How weird.



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