Second first time

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We kept making out and Stevie got closer to me until she pushed me to lay on the couch. She straddled me and I slowly put my hand under her shirt. She pulled away a bit but didn't stop kissing me, that made me confused but then she stopped and looked at me. She just started into my eyes for a second and took a deep breath. Stevie got her face closer to mine and whispered "do you need to be somewhere tomorrow morning?" She started kissing my neck making it hard for me to think.
I tried to focus on her words while her hands started to get closer no my bra " Danny is coming to have lunch but it's in the morning, apart from that I am free. Why do you ask?" She was making it really hard for me to think.
"I was just wondering if you'd like to spend the night here with know this couch actually opens and it's really comfy." She was now kissing my chest and my stomach was bursting with joy. Suddenly she stopped and looked at me, that's when I realised I didn't even respond to her.
"I would love to spend the night here with you I said putting my hand on the back of her neck and pushing her into my lips, but she stopped.
" I really don't want you to stay because you feel pressured, you don't have to." She said getting off me.
I grabbed her hand I kissed it "I really want to stay, it will be like our first time all over again I can't wait" I gave her my biggest smile and kissed her on the cheek. "Now stand up and let's open this couch".

(Three hours later)

I was looking at the stars with Stevie sleeping on my shoulder. I was playing with her hair and just taking in the moment. It's like somehow this time was even better that last time. There was more love, more time, more smiling and more passion. I looked at Stevie and smiled "I love you" I whispered and then I gave her a soft kiss on her forehead. She snuggled closer to me and I swear I saw her smile for a second there...

The sun was shining in my face when I woke up. I looked around very confused, where was I? It took me a second to remember last night and the memory of it made me smile. That's when I realised there was no Stevie on the couch! I sat up and saw my clothes on the floor but no sign of her. I heard steps out side and started freaking out, started to get dressed when she walked in the treehouse.
"Oh, you woke up? Sorry, I bought us some coffee, thought you'd like it" she said smiling with two Starbucks cups one in each hand. " I didn't know what you wanted so I brought two different options and you can choose which one you like best and I'll have the other."
"Why is it then when I wake up you are never in bed with me?" I said looking down.
She put down the coffee and hugged my half naked body "Oh princess, I am sorry" she started giving me little kisses all over my face trying to make me smile.
"Ok, ok it's fine." I gave her a proper kiss "what do you think about lunch at my place with me and Danny?"
"I'd love that" she gave me another kissed and pulled away quickly. "Come one, get dressed and let's home."
Before we left I gave her a hug and said into her ear "thank you for last night and for bringing me here.
"You are the first person that I brought here, so thank you for being the most wonderful girlfriend ever" it felt so nice to hear that word, girlfriend, Stevie was my girlfriend!



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