But don't worry, they only take one person per night because of logic, am I right? After all, there is no way that any one of them would survive if a monstrous creature came and killed everyone in sight. The trials would not go as planned.

The first month that the boys had been in the maze was the worst of it, though. I could remember that like the back of my hand.

I glowered at the man in the centre stage that was situated in the middle of the two lines of computers. The man infuriated me, and I had to hold my tongue to keep myself from screaming out in frustration as he spoke.

"Well done, excellent," Janson nodded, "they have learned not go into the maze at night and seem to be beginning to work together more and more. We are getting great information."

His nasally voice had always bugged me, enough for me to receive a burning sensation in the back of my mind. I scoffed loudly at his pathetic attempts to engage us in this false conception of reality. Was the world that screwed up that we had to put the future generation in situations that most of them will be killed in? Where was the humanity? The future generation should be protected, educated, and prepared for the world that generations before us have ruined. We could be the key to everything, but not in the way that WICKED believed.

"Now, we are going to be sending up the first new arrival to the mazes today. Please watch closely when they get up there. Record everything and anything you can; I will be checking over your notes and your thoughts about it. Every single bit of emotion and information is vital in our search for the cure," Janson shot me a stern look to which I just rolled my eyes. If he thought that he could try to scare me into working, he had another thing coming.

"Nick seems to be taking charge, with Alby by his side." Thomas leant over towards me. They had received animals and supplies for the past couple weeks and had started to have some order: Winston had begun working with the animals, Zart had taken the fields, Minho and Newt ran the maze daily, Gally started the building, Frypan worked the kitchen, and so on. It was going that way smoothly. They all did their part.

"You speak of them like they are specimens in a pig farm, and you are choosing which one you would like to slaughter next," I growled back. I knew that Thomas was just trying to do his job. He seemed to be believing more and more that WICKED was doing the right thing, and I was trying my hardest to keep his whole brain from turning to mush under the social pressure.

Thomas did not have a chance to reply. Our computer screens started to blink wildly, and we turned back to them. All of the boy's hands shot up to their ears, protecting them from the awful alarm. It was a customised sound for a new person entering the Glade.

Since I had been ordered to watch over the boy's maze with Thomas and Teresa, I automatically searched for Newt the second my eyes hit the screen. He was in his usual spots: by his tree, with Minho in the maze, or helping out in the field in his free time. This time I couldn't find him. My computer screens froze on the Glade so that when I tried to switch cameras to our in the maze, it wouldn't let me.

I felt the urge to swear at the scene and slam my fists down on the table, suddenly anxious over Newt and Minho's well-being. If we couldn't see them, we would not be able to know what happened to them if anything did.

About a half an hour later the box open. There was another few, hour-long feeling, minutes before anyone reacted. The boy in the box, which I had never bothered to learn the name of, even if he and I had spoken a few times while he was here at WICKED, shrunk as far back in the box as possible while shielding his eyes from the blazing sun. The group of boys raised their spears and knives and Nick started to walk towards the box with Alby and Gally flanking him. The boy in the box threw his arms up in surrender, and Nick held up his hands and spoke something over his shoulder to the waiting group. Eventually, all objects were lowered.

Deleted Memories (The Maze Runner, Newt)Where stories live. Discover now