Wiping her tear stained face, Mila decided to hurrily go home and invite her friend Raegan to come over to comfort her. She did not want Derick to think that she had changed her mind. He was probably watching her right now thinking that she did, but nope. Mila was about to leave him in the past just like the rest.

Cranking up her car, Mila stepped on the gas and sped out of the gates of Derick's home. Another chapter in her life had ended and she felt like a huge weight was lifted off her shoulders. Her heart ached at the memories flooding in her mind but it was time to let it go. That cheater didn't deserve anymore of her thoughts.

Mila couldn't wait to get home to contact her best friend. She knew she was in for an ear full but she didn't care. Misery loved company and thats exactly what she needed right now. Hopefully, Raegan won't be too hard on her.


"How many fucking times are you going to let this shit happen to you MiMi? I'm sick of seeing you doing this crap to yourself, but you seem to like being torn apart by these fuck boys. I hate having to come over here seeing you cry over some bum ass nigga. You don't deserve this shit."

Mila watched as her friend paced back and forth. She had been ranting for the past 30 minutes. Her unfortunate news definetly didn't sit right with Raegan and it did not help that Raegan never took a liking to Derick either. She knew from the get go that he was just another million dollar fuck boy.

Mila sighed before trying to calm down her best friend. She didn't want her to upset the baby. It wasn't time for her to meet her future God Daughter just yet.

"Take a seat Rae." Mila said but all that did was earn her a mean mug.

"Don't you tell me what to do hussy!" Raegan snapped trying to sound angry but Mila wasn't going for it. She giggled at the woman before her. She was a sight to see.

Raegan rolled her eyes at her naive friend before sitting down beside her on the red satin sheet bed and rubbing her stomach.

Her pregnancy was really taking a toll on her. She was 5 months in and couldn't wait to get the experience over with. She wanted to hold her bundle of joy.

Mila admired her friend beside her. There was a part in her that wished she was Raegan and had her life.

Raegan was a happily married woman who was just about to bring her first child into the world. It deeply sadden Mila that she wasn't experiencing the same thing. She always dreamed of being a mom one day and now Raegan was going to live out that dream.

"Look MiMi, I love you like a blood sister and I hate seeing you hurt when I know you can do 1000x better. You need to stop chasing these fuck boys with dollar signs above their heads. Money isn't everything you know."

Mila rolled her eyes at her friend. She couldn't believe she thought she was a gold digger looking for money. Albeit all her exes consist of Rappers and Ballers, they were the only men who took interest in her. It probably had something to do with her being a well known journalist.

Though the point is, Mila doesn't look for money in her men. At least she thought so.

Of course, every woman wants some type of security and for their man to be able to pamper them, but it wasn't needed for her. She had her own money to take care of herself.

"I'm not a gold digger." Mila replied with a hint of hurt in her voice.

All Raegan did was wave her off.

"I know you aren't big head, but it comes off that way sometimes. Anyway, lets get off the subject of your horrible choice in men. I want you to come to this homecoming/cookout tomorrow at my house. Maybe it'll get your mind off that fuck nigga."

Raegan got off her seat from the bed before waddling over to her purse and putting it on her shoulder. She glanced at her friend to see her reaction to what she had just said.

"Who's the homecoming for?" Mila asked.

"My big brother is coming home from New York. Its been years since we spoke and I want you there."

Mila raised an eyebrow at her friend.

"Let me guess, Terrance's mother is coming to the event too so you need someone to suffer through her talking with you? And is this the same bougie brother your momma be talking about?" Mila asked knowingly.

Raegan hated her husband's mother. Mainly because she talked way too much and about nothing too. She once went on talking about a short greeting with an old time friend for two hours straight. Mila never met someone who liked to hear themselves speak as much as that woman did.

"Silence child! Don't question me. And who the hell you calling boogy missy? That's the pot calling the damn kettle black. No. I'm talking about my brother who is a Forensic Scientist Technician. He may be nerdy but he's far from boogy and knows where he comes from....Unlike some. Anyway, let me get my ass out of here. Terrance doesn't like me out driving this late. He claims its too much stress but I say he just wants to babysit me. Bye girl. I'll see you tommorrow."

Mila and Raegan hugged before Raegan left to go home.

MiMi laid back and thought about the coversation they had. She needed to figure out what she was going to wear to the cookout and mentally prepare herself for Terrance's mother's stories.

She was looking forward to meeting the famous Xavier. She had heard a lot of things about him over the years. His sisters always went on about how smart he was and that he was very nerdy and reserved.

Mila always imagined him to be this boring type character who loved talking about science and what not. Something like Steve Urkel.

She snorted out loud at the thought. If she would've said that in front of Rae, she would've chopped her head off.

Raegan loved her older sibling.

Mila knew Xavier had some type of strong bond with Rae before he left LA to work and go to school all the way on the other end of the country. A bond Mila never had since she was an only child.

Yawning, Mila began to prep herself for bed. The day was tiring and tommorrow would be so as well. It was best to rest herself.

Okay so my first chapter for my very first book is up. I would love some feedback and some votes if you liked. I know I'm not the best writer out and I need work on plenty of things, but practice makes perfect. So yeah, thats it.

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