47. She has commitment issues and yet likes fairytale endings

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Lian couldn't sleep—not even a wink! How could she when not even an hour ago, Mark had told her he couldn't sleep as well knowing she was so far from him. She almost keeled over herself reading it.

Mark Tuan was occupying her thoughts too much. From the moment she went through the airport doors to when they arrived in Zei's apartment, Mark was all she ever thought of. He took up every nook and cranny of her mind! Smiling at her, pouting at her, teasing her just like what real life Mark Tuan does to her on a daily basis.

Lian was slowly losing her mind. It wasn't fair! After all the running she did, how could she still be thinking about him endlessly?!

The girl was a hopeless crushing sheep. She didn't even know how to face him once she got home. Now she was starting to regret why she promised to talk to him to begin with, what was she even supposed to say? She can't just go up to him and be like "Yo, I'm sorry I accused you of cheating and it's not like we're legit or anything. But hey, at least now I know you didn't really cheat!"

Lian cursed at herself and flailed her arms around.

Suddenly, Zei's face was right in front of her, waving his hand before her face. "Mei, do you hear me?"

Lian's attention snapped to him and she realized he was talking all this time. "Sorry, Zei. What was that again?"

"I said, I'll be back this afternoon. We'll head straight to the airport so get your stuff ready." Zei said as he walked around his loft in search for his eyeglasses. "You can come by at lunch, I'll text you the address."

The girl absentmindedly nodded, losing attention once again. Her eyes slowly drifted back to her phone.

"You can walk around and explore the place. I doubt you'd get lost, it's really easy to tell the streets apart in this area," Zei continued, now having found his glasses but his keys were still missing. "Oh, and our plane leaves at 6, okay?"

"Hmmm, yeah," Lian answered, her gaze on her phone never faltering.

Zei noticed this and walked over to the girl who was laying on the couch, dreamily gazing at her phone. He crept up behind her and tried to see what she was looking at. "What's that?"

Lian jumped in her seat after hearing Zei's voice. She hid her phone right away before forcing an awkward cough. "I saw your keys on the breakfast table."

Zei squinted his eyes at her suspicious behavior before getting up to fetch his keys. "Just text me when you're on your way, okay?"

Lian made a face. "Zei, seriously, you're going to be late. Stop nagging!"

"Hey, I'm not nagging. I'm just reminding." Zei explanied. Lian rolled her eyes before personally kicking Zei out of his own house.

"Good bye, now! Take care, dear brother!" Lian blew a mocking kiss at him before he stuck his tongue out and disappeared inside the elevator.

Just as Lian closed the door, she saw the screen of her phone light up to life. Someone texted! She ran to the couch, nearly landing on her butt in the process. She excitedly picked the device up before unlocking it. Her face dropped when she realized it was only Krystal.

You ran away??? It read.

Lian frowned. How did you know?

JB told me... Came Krystal's answer.



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