48. The boy who can handle hurricanes

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"I love you." The words came in a hurry as Lian stared wide-eyed at her Macbook screen.

She didn't know if she heard those words right, as if her ears had failed her. She didn't even know what to make of the whole situation. Lian wanted to believe it was a prank, but a big part of her knew it wasn't.

"You have to be kidding," Lian said, still in total disbelief. "Are you sure you heard it right?"

The girl behind the screen nodded and stared Lian straight in the eye to show her she had rolled her eyes at Lian's ridiculousness.

"I thought it was a joke at first but I saw the look in his eyes and that pretty much confirmed everything to me."

Lian snorted. "I swear to God, JB is so lame."

This time Krystal paused at painting her toenails to glare at Lian. "Better watch what you say, Wong."

"Then tell me what's going on!"

"Nope. I've already revealed too much."

"Fine, I'll ask JB about it since you, my bestfriend, aren't giving me answers. You're just adding more questions to my list of Unanswered Questions."

Her so-called bestfriend gave her a piercing glare. "Don't talk to mine if you ain't ma dawg."

Lian stared at her dryly. "Please. Please. Stop trying to talk hood. I beg you."

"Come on. Don't I sound cool?" Krystal pouted, batting her lashes at Lian who shook her head no. "Not even a little bit?"

The girl could only laugh and shake her head, "You are such a white girl, Krystal."

Krystal playfully flipped her hair.

She and Lian had been FaceTiming for over three hours now. Lian had called her for various reasons being:

1) They had major catching up to do since Lian turned her phone off the week before, making her best friend worry to death. And;
2) Because Lian being out in the dark about Krystal and JB's relationship was killing her.

Obviously, Lian being Lian, she can't not pry into her friends' personal lives. She always always had to know! Hence, leading her to interrogate her best friend for answers.

Only when Krystal asked her about what was going on with her and Mark too, that she realized her move backfired.

"How much do you know?" Lian asked, causing Krystal to stop ranting about her stingy sun burn.

The girl was painting her left toe nails now. "Oh, uh, not much. Just that you got pissed at Mark about something, turned out you were wrong. But you realized that too late because you already ditched the whole crew before that." Krystal gave her a quick glance. "How could you do that, you ass! You scarred them the first time you left!" And then she went back to coloring her nails like nothing happened.

Lian was about to say something when Krystal giddily jumped in her seat. "I also know how deep Mark's feelings for you ran," this time she paused to look at her bestfriend in awe. "Yah~ I'm impressed, Li. How'd you lure him in?" When Lian only responded with a roll of her eyes, Krystal giggled and continued, "Wait, I also know Zei oppa's back! Which is actually why you left. Forget the first part of what I said, that was really awful. I'm so sorry."

Lian tried not to feel attacked as she jokingly glared at Krystal. "Sometimes I wonder why we're still friends."

Krystal scoffed. "I can't help that I'm so irresistible. The thought of me out of your life is just too much for you to bear."

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