"What am I doing? Having a party on our friends funeral! What was I thinking?" Rocket says. 

"Because Artemis would kick our butts if we didn't celebrate." M'ghan says and we all look at the exta seat that was meant for Artemis. We all raise our glasses for a toast, " For lost friends"

"To lost friends.." We all say as we toated our glasses to Artemis

"And to the bride" M'ghann says, smiling and pointing her glass to Rocket.

"To the bride!" We all stood up and toasted to Rocket, who was blushing.

Suddenly, we see Captain Cold jump in and freeze the entire city and create a dome of ice over us. We see him side down a slope of ice and was almost about to rob the bank,when all of s transformed into our hero formsand bursted ou the ice cap in style. We took down Captain Cold, single handedly and  I teleported him to Bel Reve prison. 

I hear my phone alarm go off as it was time for me to leave. I wave good bye to the teamand told them to carry on without me. Rocket thaks me again for stopping by and giving her the amazing gift and I head on off, but not before stopping by a the nearest pizza place and grabbing three pizzas to go and giving two to Barry, and one for Cisco and Caitlyn to chow down on. 

"Thanks Crimson, don't know what I'd do without you." Cisco says and grabs a slice.

"Probably not have meat lover's pizza" I smile as I continue on my work.

Once my shift was over, I log out of my computer and place all my work in my safe and lock it. I shut downthe light to my place and grab my bag from the hooks it was hung on. Barry continues to spped write as I yell goodbye to the gang and head on out. As I was about to open the door, my phone rings. I look at the caller I.D


Oh, what could it be this time? Mission, or yelling at me some more? Nevertheles, I pick up the phone.

"Hello, Heart speaking." I say.

"Crimson, hey can we meet?"

"Sure, but I'm on a tight schedual. I have to train with M'ghann and Superboy today." I say.

"Oh just for coffee and Mother Mae Eye's Cafe. Nothing much. I won't take up much time."

"Coffee, at six in the evening?" I ask.

"Hey, I can be crazy too." He says jokingly through the phone.

"Sounds like me. I'll be there." I say and rush to the nearest zeta tube and beamed all the way to Gotham. Duck was standing there in casual clothes,with his dark glasses, sitting in one of the booths in the cafe. I smile as I stuff my lab coat in my bag and head on down to the cafe. I swing open the door and smile as I see Dick smiling back at me. One of the waiteress kindly gave me a menu and asked what I wanted.

"Herbal tea,please" I say. She nods and takes the menu away and leaves

"Tea,huh? Never saw you as a tea drinker." He says and takes a sip of  his coffee. The waiteress hands me my tea and I thank her for her service as she leaves,"People change,Dick." I say as I sip my tea. It was warm and bitter,but it calmed my soul,just like it did in the past.

"So,you got a job at Star labs I heard." He says and holds his cup.

"Yeah,I guess now you would call me a 'Mad Scientist' now." I joke. He laughs and I don't respond. He has me here for a reason,and I have an idea of why.

"Dick?" I say.


"Why did you want me here?" I ask.

"To make it up to you,for yelling at you all the time." He says as he drinks his coffee.

"No it's not. I can see it in your eyes." I say."...You wanna talk about what happened back... On the bay..." I say.

He sighs,"What happened,Crimson? Stuff like attaking team members and becoming beast if the night don't happen on a daily basis."

"Its my new queen powers. I'm still not used to it. There are some stuff that I dint know entirely sure how to control and,it's perfectly under control now,don't worry." I lie as I drink the rest of my tea and look at my watch,"Its seven,I have to go now,teams waiting for me. Ill see you tomorrow morning then."

"Wait," he says,"I'll drive you the cave."

We both got onto his bike and drove down the highway.  I climbed onto him as he sped by cars and trucks.

"Jesus Mighty,you're gonna get us killed!" I yell.

"Sorry, but I live the high way." He says and speeds up some more. We arrive down at the hill fifty miles down where you could see The Cave.

"Not funny,Dick" I said in a monotone I turn around,but find myself smacked in the lips with a pair of familiar lips. Dick wrapped his hands around my waist and close my eyes and place my hands on his chest,and slowly creep up his neck. He pulls me in closer to the kiss. This is what I was missing in my life. His touch,his love, it's what filled me with life.

When we let go of each other,I looked at him in the eyes. He took off his glasses and I peered into his luscious blue eyes,""I've been waiting to give you that ever since you came."

"Oh how I've missed it,Crimson." He say and kisses me again,only this was shorter than the previous one.

"So have I, baby." I say,as I smile into the kiss. I hear my phone go off and I see a huge text from Mghann.

Mghann: Where are you? We don't have all day?!?!?!

"I should get going. I don't want to suffer from Mghann's rath."

Dick smiles,"Bye princess.

"Catch Ya later,Boy wonder." I smile as I head on down.

That day, I was so happy that I was constantly smiling throughout the training.So much that Barbara nad Mghann asked me what happened.

"Let's just say a little bird expressed his feeling once again for me today..." I chimed as I cleaned up from training. They look at each other with delight and squealed like girls on Christmas day. I go to my room as quickly as possible and shut the site behind me,so that they don't file me back with a thousand questions on their minds

"Too bad Dick isn't gonna be happy when he realizes the truth about why I'm back." I say to myself as I go to sleep.

And...  Tada! Another chapter for you guys.

So I  usually update during Saturday,since Saturday is free day,but I won't be able to because I signed up for a competition that day(I'm sorry:()  but I will say this,I will try to update multiple chapters on Friday to make up for that alright....

Imagines and Polls are still up folks,for anyone who's interested.

Vote on and read ahead!!!

Houdini <3

Claws And Scratches(YJ Fanfic w/ an Alice In wonderland Twist)Where stories live. Discover now