Flights.Chapter 12.

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I was on the plane before I knew it. I could feel the butterflies as I lifted off and I felt my heart sink as I looked down on Melbourne. However, I was excited. I love Wales so much and it will be so nice to see everyone again.

5 hours into the flight and I felt myself drifting off to sleep. I dreamt about myself and Daniel, and our recent excitement in his car. He made me feel so good inside and out. Whenever I see him, my heart does flips and my tummy goes all funny. I loved him more than life itself and I knew he loved me back.

The flight was definately shorter than it felt. I was so happy to feel the tires hit the tarmac.

We landed and stayed over night in London and drove down to Wales the following day. We all crammed into the car and it felt so uncomfortable, but I knew that when I saw the rest of my family it would be worth it.

We stopped off at my nans house first, we call her Mam. She greeted us all with massive bear hugs and she was so excited to see us all.

I walked inside the house, I loved Mams house. Everytime I went there, I didn't want to go home. It is just such a cozy and family orientated house, it makes you feel warm and relaxed.

There was one person I was dying to see, my cousin Alisha. I missed her so much! When I left, it was so difficult because we are very close, practically sisters. When she walked in, I hugged her so tight that she lost her balance and we both tumbled to the floor.

''Hey faggot!'' She shouted.

I laughed and we both got up off the floor. I immediately told her all about how great Daniel was and how much I wanted her to meet him. She was obviously excited for me because she was jumping and clapping her hands on the spot.

The rest of my family turned up and we all were rammed into Mams house. It was full as hell!

My phone started vibrating, and I knew who it would be. I had a text off Daniel. I opened it to read: ''Hey beautiful, hope you landed safely and had a good journey, I miss you so bloody much.''

I text him back with: ''Yeah thanks, it was long but alright. I miss you so much aswell, I wish you were here.''

He replied back with: ''Oh yeah, about that. Guess what I've done?''

Oh god, I began to worry a little.  ''What have you done?''

''I might or might not have booked a flight. I'll be there in 3 days. I love you.''

My heart went mental. ''Oh my god, Daniel! You didn't have to do that, I love you so so much!''

I felt so happy and I showed Alisha the text. She smiled and nudged me. Oh my god, this is going to be the longest 3 days ever.




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