Need some help. Chapter 3.

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A few days later..

''Tasha!!!'' I heard my mum shout from upstairs.

''What mum?!'' I asked.

''Come up here and help me a minute!''

I made my way up the stairs to find my mum sitting on the floor with instructions everywhere.

''What are you doing?'' I asked her.

''I'm trying to work out how to build your bed, it makes no sense!''

''Why don't you ask Matt to help?''

''He's gone out to get some flowers for the garden.''

''So, we have flowers but no bed. Sensible.''

''Ugh, I need to get this up by tonight or you'll be sleeping on the floor!'' She paused. He eyes lit up and I knew what she was going to say.

''If you think I'm going to ask Da-''

''Yes, you are! He might be able to help, Tash. Go over there and ask him.''

''But mum-''

''No but's, go on.''

I huffed and left the room. I walked downstairs and had a quick glance in the mirror before going over there. My hair soft waves and my make-up hadn't worn off. Good.

I felt my chest getting tighter as I walked towards his door. Just as I was about to knock, a familiar voice approached me. I was startled but then I realised who it was.

''Hey, uh you okay?'' Skip said.

''Hey, yeah yeah fine. Well, not really. Uh, my mum was wondering if you could come and help us over at mine for a bit? She's trying to put up my bed and it's not going to plan.''

''Yeah sure.''

 I stayed downstairs out of his way until my mum asked me to take water to drink upstairs to him. I walked up the stairs to see the bed finished. He obviously knew what to do. I couldn't see Daniel though.

Confused, I walked into the room. ''Uh, Skip?''

He jumped out from behind my door. ''BOO!''

Startled, I dropped his water all over me. Oh god, this was beyond embarrassing.

''Shit!'' I exclaimed.

''Oh, sorry, I didn't mean to make you spill it, gorgeous.'' He said. ''Just trying to have a little fun.''

Wait, what. Did he just call me ''gorgeous''? My heart was racing and butterflies were swirling around my tummy.

''Uh, don't worry.'' I said, trying to dry my t-shirt.

''If you want, as an extra sorry, I'll treat you to pizza at mine tonight. What do you think?''

Were my ears playing tricks on me? Did he actually just ask me around to his house? What is happening? I can't breathe, I can't move, I'm stuck.

''Yeah, uh sure.'' I managed to get out.

''Okay, good! See you at mine at like, I dunno, 7?''

''Yep, okay.''

I can't believe it. I'm having food with a hot boy tonight. Even better, it was pizza.

You got me. (A Daniel Sahyounie/Janoskians fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now