Training chap agin.........yay*hints the sarcasm*

28 1 20

" Guess what today is~" I asked everyone groaned they knew that TODAY IS TE START OF.......OUR NEW TRAING PROGRAM!!!! " Ok so what I have decided is we will have duals against each other to practice dodging magic try not to use anything but magic because my other plan is to practice with our weapons we can not go easy on this guy he is insane so we are going to have to kill him so we will practice dodging and making harder hits also Meo,Luke you guys need to be able to teleport us away with the enemy to an open area a place where he can't get away and will be easier to see so you guys have to train on how to teleport that many people and thats about it.... except remember how on weekends we would take a break well....NOT ANYMORE now you have to train all the time and only get breaks for food and sleep jk we still get breaks on weekends that would suck if we didn't " I announced everyone sighed but hen got to work i did as well I mean we need to beat this guy and they won't win without their leader and that is.....Meo jk it is so me I've been leader ever since I made the group and the only difference now is that their are more members welp time to get to work! 

                                                                         24 hours later

Everyone was on the ground passed out everyone was pretty determined to get their training done so they all skipped breaks and didn't eat of course I didn't take breaks either but I was hungry and so was Hailey we were the only smart people here apparently because no one cares that if you don't eat and are working really hard you will pass out.  I sighed " Idiots well at least they finished training before they all passed out, but we will have to wait till they wake up so we can go to lunch it will look weird if we bring a ton of sleeping people to lunch "  I said Hailey nodded and then we both sat on the couch and played on our phones and talked while waiting for them to wake up.  

                                                                               1 hour later

" Oh look they last ones up " I said as I watched the tired Simon finally get up everyone else got up like 20 minutes ago I was almost gonna leave him here.  " Ok now that everyone is up lets go to lunch, and Hailey,Julia,Tressa, and I will finish school " I said and Meo opened the portal and we all went to lunch.   

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