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We all stepped out of the portal and I guess we looked sweaty and tired because almost everyone thought we had just been in gym. After Julia picked the emptiest table we all sat down and waited to be called for lunch.  "Soooooo why do you have to wait to eat " Neo asked.  " I don't know it's just school where random rules are" I answered.  "Huh that doesn't make any sense " Meo said " Well school doesn't make sense" Julia said.  After chatting for a while we were finally called to lunch.  We were last though which sucked because they usually run out of some stuff like apples.  " Why do you have to be in line " Neo asked  "I think it's because if we just grabbed the food payed and left it'd be chaos everyone would be pushing and shoving and stuff " Hailey answered " Huh I guess that's true " Neo said.  I grabbed the mini corn dogs with fries and ketchup then grabbed and apple which I got the last one then I typed in my password and went to sit down at the table. 

At the table we were mostly trying to explain to Meo and Neo what anime was.  " How can you not know what it is?!?!" Julia said " YOU MUST WATCH THEM ALL" I shouted "Well what is it" Neo asked      " IT'S THE BEST THING YOU WILL EVER LAY YOUR EYES UPON " Julia said " Well anime is a show that you watch that has amazing animations and is made in Japan there are many animes but I like the fantasy action ones" I said.  " Sounds interesting when we get home can we watch it" They asked "No not today but tomorrow definitely" I assured them " YAY!!" they both cheered.  Since Meo and Neo had to eat still I had got more food to share with them " Are you guy's done" I asked " Yep" Meo said " Almost ' Neo said has she shoved the last fry in her mouth " Now I'm done" Neo said.  "Ok I"m gonna go dump my tray be right back" Then I dumped my tray and came back" Ok well looks like we should head to class" Hailey said " Boooooooo " me and Julia said.  Then we left and went to finish school.

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