Ugh more training

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"So what did we do wrong killing that guy" I asked everyone. After killing our attacker we had gone into the portal to rest and figure out our next battle plan.  " We need to get faster at shooting" Neo said " We need to go faster on attacking in the battle he was dodging really easily " Meo said.  " Ok then I think that me and Neo should work on going really fast by shooting and reloading and still hitting the target in only 1 minute and when we get better only 30 SECONDS" I announced Neo gasped and said " We can't  do that".  " Sure we can" I assured " And for you guys I think you should work on hitting instead of being in the reflex machine" I said " We can do that" Julia said " Ok then let's get training!" I shouted " Ugh " everyone else replied 

" Pew pew " I said as I practiced my shooting with Neo everyone has been practicing for more then 5 hours and everyone was pretty tired.  " Why do you make that sound when you shoot there's no point in doing it" Neo said " I do it cause it is the fun!!!" I shouted " Yea fun" Neo said sarcastically.   " Ok break time" I yelled and everyone else went to sit on the bed.  "So how was your training" I asked them " Tiring " Julia said "Awful Hailey said" "Not fun" Meo said " How do you think it was" Aki remarked " Well judging from what you told me you basically hated it" I replied " Well good news is we  only have to do this until the king is dead" I said " And on that point Aki how many servants does the king have " I asked "Well he has a lot but he has five main ones and judging by that one we fought he is sending the main five ones so four more but they are extremely powerful so we will need to train a lot" " Great" Neo said sarcastically.  " Well we defeated one the others can't be too hard" I said hopefully even though I knew inside we were soooo dead. 

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