We win!!!!

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As I yelled the words Meo and Neo went for the legs causing him to trip and fall down in that instant Julia went for the arms along with Hailey who seemed like she just wanted to hug him but that aside the dog boy was now pinned on the ground. "We did it!" I shouted and then pulled the knife out of his hand. A sudden worried look appeared on his face like he thought I was about to kill him but really why would I do that I'm a nice person sometimes.............anyway I knocked him out with the back of the with one single blow.  "OK  now that that's done we should tie him up"  I said as Meo, Neo, Julia, and Hailey were getting up. "OK I got this " Neo said and rope appeared out of nowhere.  "Whoa how can you do that" Hailey asked  "Oh well almost all nekos have some sort of magic" Meo said "Me and Neo can make objects appear and we have some self defense magic made to um you know... kill" She said a little hesitantly.  "Really that's cool do I get magic" I asked. " Probably not " Neo said as she was tying up the dog boy. "Hey don't be mean she probably will get magic since shes a neko now and hey she might even get more than one power" Meo said. " COOL I CAN'T WAIT!" I shouted maybe a little too loud cause just then the dog boy woke up.

Luckily Neo had finished tying him up and he still had no weapon so he couldn't hurt us so we all kinda starred at each other awkwardly for a while. Then I got tired of it and said " So guys what do we do with him" I asked. That was when he shouted " LET ME GO YOU PESKY CATS!!!"  "Well no why would we do that" Neo said. " Hey I know let's interrogate him" I suggested. "OK why did you try to kill us" Julia said. " Because The king told his servants to kill all nekos" He said. "Oh OK then  well promise not to do it again and join us so we can defeat him" I said. "WHAT!!" Hailey said "Why do we have to so it" Neo whined.  " Think about it he will just keep sending servants until he comes to kill us himself plus we need to save the other nekos" I said " Shes right you know he won't stop till their all dead" The boy said. " Oh yea are you going to join us" I asked "No" he said. "Welp your gonna die then" I replied. " AHHH NO NO I'LL JOIN" he yelled "That's what I thought" I said. 

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