Training again......yay........NOT

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It was a training day and we had all just gone through the portal.   " So Simon this is where you will train for intense amounts of time and train very extremely with only two breaks so now we shall start!!!"  and we started.  After intense training for 12 hours we all kinda collapsed Neo and Aki were on a chair aw it is the cutest I need to take a picture I took out my phone real quick and took a quick picture then went back to scanning the room Simon is on the floor along with Tressa and Crystal they all tried so hard to get to that couch well too bad and Hailey and Julia were on the couch I think I'll go join them I then went and sat on the couch and continued to scan this room Vincent was sitting in a chair by himself Skelly was sitting on a bed and Meo and Luke were sitting on the bed together talking.   WAIT are they in love hmmmmmm maybe I am just overthinking this but I will study their behavior from now on and if they seem really lovey dovey  then I will scream as hard as I can that they are in love next break time MWHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHA.   " Jillian why do you look like you are going to do something evilly " Hailey said " Oh um I don't look like that...yea no no no nothing going on in my head"  I said awkwardly " Oh you are so doing something evil " Julia said " Yea well you don't have proof so  HA" I said " Come on just tell us " Neo said " NO!!!" I said. Everyone sighed they all knew they were not getting anything out of me so they all just gave up yes no one suspects a thing MWHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAAHHA. 

After training for another 12 hours 

I have been watching very closely and they are totally in love I mean they have been training together and looking at each other and again are sitting in the same chair they are either really REALLY good friends or they are .........IN LOVE they are so in love I know with in my heart and eyes and whole body that they are in love.   I shall announce this to the crowd of people here I breathed in all the air I could and then " MEO AND LUKE ARE SO IN LOVE I CAN SEE IT YOU THOUGHT YOU COULD HIDE BUT NOPE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" I screamed at the top of my lungs " W w what d do you mean....." Meo said " Yea we are just friends " Luke said "NOPE CAN NOT HIDE JUST TELL US THE STORY" I shouted again.  They both sighed and looked up at the whole gang they were all waiting with curious faces and they began the story.  " Once upon a time a girl Neko was adventuring with her master and friends when they were attacked she of course attacked back and they won the battle after wards they got together and started talking and became the best of friends and the girl loved the boy but was to shy to tell her feelings and the boy was the same way and one day after getting the newest person to our army the girl confessed and learned the boy had the same feelings and they are now boyfriend and girlfriend The End " Meo said all of us were now shedding imaginary tears and started saying things like That was beautiful and such.  " That was the best story I have ever heard " I said " Thanks!" Meo and Luke shouted at the same time they then looked at each other and smiled shouting " JINX Double Jinx tripe jinx...." and they kept going   till " SHUT UP " Neo and Aki said at the same time.  " This is adorable " I said " But now we have to train again " Julia said " Noooo" I said sadly but we all went to train anyway.  

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