Chapter Seventeen

Start from the beginning

"You will obey me; I will have you. I don't care if I have to use you or abuse you. You will do as I say. And when I'm done with you..." he trailed off, chuckling again, "let's just say how well you cooperate will decide your future. And you're not up to a good start."

Taking the slim chance, Candy kneed Xavier in the groin. The initial shock of the action caused Xavier to loosen his grip and Candy to slip free. She heard a loud growl as she tried to head for the door, but Vicky stood there guarding it. Suddenly, she saw Xavier shift into his wolf and charge towards her.

Candy also shifted to stand a better chance. As he neared her, Xavier's wolf, Devil, instantly hit Echo's side – sending her back to the other side of the wall. Once back on all fours, Echo charged back at Devil, who easily deflected the attack. He humoured himself in watching her try. However, once he grew bored, he knocked her to the floor then picked her up by the scruff of her neck. Echo wriggled in his clutch as an attempt to get free. However, Devil just sank his teeth deeper into her neck, causing her whimper.

Echo stilled as he carried her up and out of the safe house, Vicky keeping her distance, but trailing behind them. Devil trotted through the pack – which was a living war zone – taking Candy back to his pack. Devil was quick and didn't waste any time lingering around. He ran swiftly though the pack, Echo still clutched between his teeth. All the movement was creating agonizing pain for Echo. So much so, that she knew Candy would have a mark too.

Just as Devil crossed over the territorial boarder for Alpha Theodore's pack, Echo spotted Apollo fighting off multiple wolves. He hadn't noticed her being taken off. He wouldn't notice. Not until he went down to the safe house to discover it empty. She went completely limp in Devil's hold when Theo's pack was out of sight.

Devil stopped in a clearing and dropped Echo, who whimpered slightly. He then shifted to Xavier who stood there taking in Echo's form, "Shift," he commanded, but Echo refused to let Candy take over. "I said shift!" He roared as he held Echo by the neck, pressing in hollow under her ear and behind her jaw. A claw elongated to slightly pierce the skin. "Keep defying me and I will make your life hell, little mate."

With that, Echo shifted and left Candy curled up on the floor, trying to cover her naked body from her mate's gazing eyes. Xavier could already feel the power she gave him just from being close to her. He couldn't imagine the amount of power he could gain when they mated. "Why have we shifted?" Candy asked as she rubbed the back of her neck while strategically keeping her body covered.

"So I can talk to you," He grinned as he crouched down to her level. "and see you..." his eyes scanned over her naked form. He stood up in all his naked glory, "I'm going to shift. You are to get on my back and hold tight. Understood?"

Not wanted to get any more on his bad side, Candy just nodded. He shifted into his pitch black wolf with burning amber eyes that were almost red. She walked over to him and struggled to climb on his back. The bastard didn't even lower himself! Candy thought as she lay on top of Devil, instantly inhaling the familiar scent. I'm in so much trouble.

Devil broke into a sprint, not waiting for Candy to settle or get a good grip on his back. She could feel his fur ruffling against her bare skin. Devil ran at an unbelievable high speed, so fast that Candy couldn't even lift her head to see. After half an hour of high speed running, Devil crossed his territory boarder. However, as he did, he instantly knew he had an unwanted visitor.

It didn't take long for the hooded figure to appear in front of them, "Well, well, well. Look what the wolf dragged in," the hooded figure chuckled. Devil shook himself, to rid himself from Candy – who finally had a secure grip on his back. She fell off his back and onto the hard floor, dislocating her shoulder in the process.

"Come to see my mate, have you?" Xavier smirked as Devil shifted. Candy looked up from the floor. When her eyes locked on the hooded figure, a glimmer of hope flashed in her eyes. Was he here to save her? When the hooded figure didn't reply, Xavier started laughing, "Have you come to challenge me. To see my new-found power," he grabbed Candy's hand, pulling her up and her shoulder further out her socket. His hand slithered around her waist as he pulled her towards him.

"You might be more powerful than you were, Xavier, but that has only levelled the playing field... slightly. I still have the advantage," the hooded figure spoke.

"Then prove it!" Xavier shouted as he inhaled Candy's scent – his eyes turning gold as his drew on his power. He then pushed Candy out of the way and charged at the hooded figure, the power her scent had given him fuelled his speed and strength. So much so, that when he pushed Candy, she flew into a tree and blacked out.

Xavier was not a force to be reckoned with... especially now he had the power of the Blood Alpha. 


Happy Easter everyone!! We're so close to 50K reads! OMG I'm so happy! So thank you all for your support!!

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