"Queen red, you have lost!" I say," Now, surrender or die!"

"Very well,my dear" she say and raises her hands up," I surrender." I chant a spell to remove her powers. She yells at me for that and soon after,her patches of hearts and her hideous appearance was gone,and she looked more like a forty year old with wrinkles.

"No!" My appearance! Gone!" She shrieks."You will pay for this!"

"Not this time!" Jackson says and handcuffs Red, then stands in attention and kneels in front of me."Thank you, my queen. You saved us all " He says.

But something felt wrong.  This war,it felt too easy to win. Something was missing. Red had a history of planning surprises, so was this a trap to get to someplace else, or was this the tip of the iceberg?

I bow down and Jackson retreats. I help the team up and lead them to the bio ship. Everyone was in critical conditions, including myself. I command the Bandersnatch to go guard the tower, or fear that the worst has yet to come.


"Crimson , why are you still worried? You defeated Red and her petty little army?" Robin says, "You should be proud!" 

"But why does it feel like its not over yet?"  I sigh as I stood in the mission debreifing room.

"Red Tornado, A12" The cave's system went off as Red Tornado walked out frm the Zeta tube. He siletly walks around as we continue talking.

"WHy do you feel off, Crimson?" Kaldur asked

"Because, I've heard of Red, and she is famouse for her sneak attacks. What  if this was just the beginning?" I say, shivering.

"Oh, you're just being paranoia. Just-" Wally stops and points at Kaldur."WHat's up wth Red?"

We all turn around to see Red Tornado, stuck with his hand in a certain position, as if he was about to touch Kaldur. 

Superboy snaps in front of his face,"Huh, no response" 

"Must have lost charge and looks like he needed to tell us something" Robin says. "Maybe we could hook up his memory to his human body."

"Human body?" Artemis asks.

"Red created a metal body that looks like a human, so that he can interact in the real world. Don't blame him, I mean, how long can you be cooped up in this cave like a bird in a cage?" I say as we head up to his room, right above the mission room. 

Inside was completly dark, with one light emitting off the lab desk up front. We all walk up towards the computers and put in his memory card and transfer his memories to the body. I look around and admire his works. He had some preety neat stuff. 

"Not fair! He has his own zete tube to his room!" Wally says.

"Not te time, Kid. We have to hurry!" Robin says as the download bar reaches 80%

Suddenly, the zete tube starts to run and Black Canary walks out.

Oh god we're screwed!

"Um guys, what are you doing in Red's room?" She asks, with her hand at her hips.


90% left to download.

I decided to stall,"So, Canary! How do you do it? How do you manage to fight crime 24/7 and still look as fresh as daisy." 

She looked at me weirdly," Stop stalling, what are you doing in Red?"

99% percent

"Hey, wait a sec. What are you doing in Red's room?" I ask back. She glares at me as the download bar reaches 100%

The humanoid pops up from and yells," Get down!!" as Canary screams loudly in my ears.i knock her out and she falls to the floor. I find a towel and tie it around her mouth, and Robin handcuffs her hands and legs.

We all enter Superboy's vehicle and pet, Sphere. Red tells us how the Justice League has been compromised by Vandal Savage and the Light. I knew something was off. I have a feeling I wouldn't be just seeing just the Light and Savage.

"We need to get to the Star labs facility and find a cure for the chip, and fast" M'ghann says as we speed off to Central City. From there, I met Red Arrow again. He explained that it was his fault and that he was actually a clone of the real Roy Harper. He broke down, crying. I sat with him as the rest of the team watched Robin, Wally and Red Tornado find a cure. 

"Why are you sitting with a no good when you could be spending time with real human?" He says.

I looked at him weirdly," You think I'm human?" I say and morph into my netherling form. He looks at me in surprise." I'm half a fairy tale creature and crazy. I'm far off from being human." I say smiling and demorph, " And to me, you are human. You're just lost, and you need someone to guide you, and that's what the team is here for."

 He looks back and Istared at the floor. I sigh and continue levitating the apple I was holding, trying to spin it.

"Thanks Crimson. For you know, helping me see the good in things. I I hadn't met you, I don't know what would have happened." 

I smile," Hey, what are friends for.." Suddenly, I went into a flashback, or rather, what my mother told me.

"Never trust Red, even if she tries to become your friend, for she has friend on the other side, and they will kill you and take your soul alive." I hear her voice inside of my head.

"Friends...friends .Friend! Oh god! Why didn't I see this coming!" I shout as I stood up.

"Woah, what happened?" Roy says.

"Red, she using my own attack against me. She's gonna bring her own Bandersnatch with her, her friend from the other side." I say." Bandersnatches are born in cold dark areas, like where her castle is." I get up and pull out my father's dagger and morph into my netherling form." I have to go fight. Now! T ell the others tha I say goodbye. Possibly forever." And I run out of the labs. 

"Bye Robin. I've always loved you." I whishper to myself and flap my wings and take flight. 

Claws And Scratches(YJ Fanfic w/ an Alice In wonderland Twist)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن