Wanna go to the park?

Jaidon (jai)
Sounds cool too me

Meet you there in like 15?

Jaidon (jai)
Don't forget the stuff

Jaidon (jai)
Jk lol

You're so stupid :)


"S-sorry I'm uh late..." I spoke.

"It's okay, you were only five, ten minutes late." He smiled widely.

My heart lurched, cause I stood him up. Then I felt guilty, and I came all along.

How could I be so rude? I'm so messed up, oh my gosh. What have I done?

Jai patted my back, and pulled me in for a hug, "I'll race you to the swing set!"

He took off, and I followed shortly behind him. Jaidon still beat me though, although I still climbed up onto a swing.

Jai accompanied the swing beside me, and we began to swing. I swung my legs back and forth until I could feel them, and I was high up in the sky.

My stomach was in my throat, and my heart was beating fast. It's so funny how I feel so free high up in the sky, and not on the ground.

I feel more alive now, than I have in the last few months. Part of my wants to think that's because of who I'm with, but I know it's because of the progress I've made in life.

"Myla be careful you don't fall!" Jaidon called out.

A wide smile grew on my face as the sun shined down on us. What a beautiful day to be alive.

"Myla, seriously your swing is going crazy." He sounded more serious this time.

I opened my eyes, and turned to him. I gave a smile, hopefully reassuring, smile.

"Don't wor-"

Before I could finish my sentence, one small kick caused my butt to slip out from underneath of me. I was holding on by just my hands, and my upper body strength is horrible.

When the swing went fly back down, my left leg smashed down onto the ground, a loud crack! came from my ankle. My eyes grew wide as the feeling of needles poking my skin made its way up my leg.

Jai jumped over, and stopped the swing. His eyes wide, and his once tanned face, paled.

"Oh, what the füćk! Are you okay?!" His words were rushed.

"Uhm, yeah I think eh so." I chuckled.

"Are you sure?" He looked very worried.

"Yeah, no uhm worries. Let's go on the uhm slides?" I proposed.

"Yeah, I'll give you a push, how does that sound?" He laughs.

I nodded, and stood up properly. Pains shot up into my leg, but I brushed it off. Probably just a small bruise.


Later on, I returned home from the park. The walk was slight painful, so Jaidon carried me on his back. I told him to text me when he got home. Just so I know he made it home safe.

I limped into the house, straight for the living room. I sat down on the couch, and rested my feet on the rest.

"Have fun at the park?" Michael asked, walking into the room.

"Yeah, it was, uhm eventful." I laughed.

He began to walk my way, and before he could finish stepping  over my legs he tripped, and one of his legs hit my ankle. I flinched and yelped in pain.

"What's wrong with your ankle?" Michael asked.

"I uhm, basically fell off the swing. I was, ehh, going really high, and I uhm, came flying back down and my but slipped off the uh swing, and my leg ergh, caught the ground. Yeah, and i uhm heard a crack." I smiled.

His eyes grew wide, "what the hêłl Myla! What did you do?"

"I just uhm continued walking and stuff. But don't worry, it isn't even bad." I cheered.

He pulled my jeans up some. My ankle was swollen, and dark shades of red, purple, an blue.

"That's not 'it isn't bad' Myla! It looks horrible, we have to go to the hospital. What the füćk!" He gasped.

He picked my up, and carried me to the car, despite my refusing.

Long story short, my ankle was sprained horribly. They wrapped it in a ACE bandage, gave me heavy medicine, and I have to walk on crutches for three weeks.
Okay so I planned out this entire book on paper, and in the plans for this chapter, there was nothing about her ankle.

Just added that in because I'm the author, and I'm allowed to. Jk no, actually yeah that's pretty accurate.

Anyway bye ily :)

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