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SOTC : Love Song - Selena Gomez (because why not?)

"So is there going to be a trial?" Michael asked.

Currently Michael, Steph, Jai, and I are sat in the Yamaro's living room.

"There wasn't going to be." Steph muttered.

"But?" I asked.

"That whore claimed Jai told her to do that. She said that Jai told her if she didn't do the stuff he would hurt her." Steph snapped.

"What the literal fück?" I groaned.

"Myla can testify, she saw what happened, correct?" Michael spoke.

"Well... Actually yeah." Jai mumbled.

"Myla, Jai.. Can you guys go into another room so Michael and I can have adult talk?" Steph questioned.

Jai and I glanced at each other and nodded. I got up and went to the guest room.

"I talk to my mom this morning, we're making this my new room, my old one is going to be the new guest room." He smiled.

"I always wanted this room, it's bigger than my old one." He smirked.

"Are you just moving your bed into here? And taking this one out?" I mumbled.

"No we're destroying that bed and buying a new one. I'm throwing away half of that stuff, my new room needs a new theme. I grew out of those race car wall stickers and baby blue paint a long time ago." He chuckled.

"When are you switching stuff around?" I asked.

"Probably some time this week." Jai shrugged, "would you want to come help me? Like help pick out the paint and help paint the room too? And help decorate?"

"Yeah of course! I love decorating." I giggled.

"Myla, yesterday.." Jai trailed off.

"Don't talk about it." I sighed.

"No not that stuff. It's about you. You told the cop you were my girlfriend, an-and when we were falling asleep you said I love you.. Did you say that because you felt bad?" Jai spoke shyly.

"No! Of course not! I'd never be low like that. Jai, I'm sorry it took me so long to figure out my feelings but I love you Jaidon Domenic Matthew." I smiled.

"I love you Myla Jae." Jai smiled.

"Jesus you're name is long." I groaned.

"What if we just add in a second middle name for you so you feel special?" He laughed.

I laid back on the bed, "what would it be?"

Jai followed my actions, "Myla Jae Elizabeth Wilkerson."

"I like that." I smiled.

"Our future daughter's middle name will be that." He smiled.

"Whatever you say." I giggled.

"Myla Jae.. Hey oh my god! Your middle name is my nickname!" Jai squealed.

"What.. Are you high?" I laughed.

"No.. Ohh! What if I made a separate section in my dresser just for you?" Jai smiled.

"I don't know," I sighed. "Your clothes are pretty comfy."

I cuddled up into his sweats, and the shirt he gave me. I got up and crawled to Jai, and climbed over him.

He pulled me down so I sat right on his stomach.

"Hello up there!" He giggled.

"What did you take?" I groaned.

"I slept, and then woke up." He shrugged.

"How's the weather down there?" I giggled.

"Pretty good, you block the heat."

"You know my favorite about your new room?" I spoke.

I glanced down at him and winked.

"W-what?" He choked.

I climbed over him and ran.

"Your attached bathroom!" I called from the toilet.

I went pee, before realizing I was bleeding.

"Jai!" I called out.

Jai's footsteps could be heard and a shadow appeared outside the door.

"What's wrong?"

"I need girl stuff." I mumbled.

"I can't hear you." He groaned.

"I need a pad." I spoke louder.

"Oh, okay, I'll be right back!" He called.


So Jai and Myla experienced their first, what Myla thought would be an awkward moment.

But can I please had a Jai??


Sad face.

I updated in like that same week.

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