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SOTC : Girls Just Wanna Have Fun - Cyndi Lauper

"Myla!" Lilac squealed.

I groaned, and shoved me pillow over my head.

"Go away." I muttered.

"No c'mon we're going out to celebrate your graduation!" I heard Harlyn squeal.

"How about no! I wanna sleep all day! No more high school for me." I smirked into my pillow.

Harlyn scoffed, and sat on me.

"Oh my god, Myla get up and be productive!" Danyelle called from her bed.

She let out a groan.

"Aren't you supposed to be at work?" I scoffed.

"I'm closing tonight." I could practically hear the smirk in her voice.

I kicked Harlyn off of me, and listened to her mutter under her breath while Lilac laughed.

"Out, I've got to become presentable." I moaned.

Lilac and Harlyn left the room, and closed the door behind them. I slowly slid off my sweat pants and cringed at the cool air that hit my bare legs.

I quickly shoved on some black skinny jeans, and threw a random shirt on over my tank top. I ran a brush through my faded blue hair, and threw it up into a very messy bun.

"Have fun!" Danyelle called from her bed.

I rushed out of the apartment and made my way to Harlyn's car outside.

"Mall time!" Harlyn cheered.

See the difference between Harlyn and Lilac was dramatic. Harlyn was very chirpy and energetic. Whereas Lilac was more calm and mellow. Complete opposites, yet somehow they worked together.

It was refreshing, not having friends that acted exactly the same, and had the exact same personality.

"Alright first we hit Hot Topic, then Spencer's, and the food court. Bam! Mall time is done." Lilac spoke.

"You did not wake me up at eleven in the morning to go all the way to the mall for two stores and a food court. I will punch you in your nonexistent balls." I hissed.

"Alright ladies, hakuna yer matatas." Harlyn chimed in.

"We're going to Abercrombie and Fitch, definitely PacSun, oh and American Eagle. We can't forget Rue 21, and all of the other stores." Harlyn cheered.

"How about no. We're going in to Target, Spencer's, Hot Topic, the arcade area, Journey's, and we'll figure the rest out. This is my day." I ordered.

So we set off, hit a lot of stores, most I wouldn't ever go to but I went for the sake of Harlyn and Lilac.

We stopped at the arcade area. It was large, and had a mini golf course inside. It also had a paintball area, and laser tag area.

"Laser Tag!" Harlyn squealed.

"Guitar Hero!" Lilac cheered.

"Nope, definitely Laser Tag, let's go." I smirked.

We went up to the front desk, got a card with points on it, and went to the laser tag area. We paid for our entrance, got in, and got all of our gear on.

The guy went over all of the rules, and droned on. I was too excited to pay attention, I love laser tag!

When we got inside I took off for a well hidden corner, that gave a great view of everyone running around. I'm not even sure I was supposed to be here but oh well.

The buzzer went off, announcing the game was in play. I saw a few people slowly crouching towards corners, so I shot at them.

They all looked confused and got angry, they claimed they're suits weren't working right.

While playing it felt like I was in some music video. I imagine we were in a music video for that song Girls Just Wanna Have Fun. I feel it'd suit this moment.

When the game was over, we checked the leaderboard, and I was at the top. Whoop whoop, brownie points for me.

After Laser Tag we ran for the food court. Physical exercise always made me want extra fries, along with a nice juicy burger.

The three of us ordered our food, and found our seats. I munched on my lovely burger, and savored the flavor.

"Hey," a male voice spoke.

I glanced around; to find a tall, brunette haired boy, with gorgeous hazel eyes.

"Uh, hi?" I asked.

"Myla, don't you remember me?" He chuckled.

"Uhm?" I frowned.

"I feel offended." He chuckled again.

"Remember, 'who calls their dog Whiskers?' ." He smiled.

"A-Andrew?" I gasped.

"It can't be!" Lilac squealed.

"Did i miss something?" Harlyn groaned.

"That would be me." Andrew smiled.

Lilac and I jumped up, and group hugged Andrew.

"My future wife! It's been forever!" Andrew chuckled.

The fact that this is my first ever cliffhanger makes me proud of myself..

Who is Andrew?

Who is his future wife?

You won't know till like next year because I'm a lazy piece of shit and take forever to update :)

Goodbye people enjoy your day/night!

TherapyDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora