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SOTC ; Therapy - All Time Low

Wednesday (this is like a week after the last chapter)

"Bye, I love you." Michael called from his place in the car.

I nodded, and headed into the building. I had therapy today, after two weeks of not attending, on purpose.

I signed in at the front desk, and took a seat in the plastic, uncomfortable chair. I glanced to my left, a familiar boy sat in the chair.

He quickly looked my way, as if he felt me looking at him, "hey, Myla!"

"Hah, hi, Jaidon." I cough awkwardly, "I'm guessing uhm, your mom has a patient?"

He nodded, glancing at the door.

I sighed heavily, and switched positions in my chair. The tv played an episode of some random talk show.

My anxiety was randomly spiking, it wasn't normal, but it wasn't rare either. This happened every so often.

I heard a squeak from one of the chairs to my left. I looked over, and saw Jaidon moved to the chair next to me.

My heart raced a little faster, "sorry I don't really talk to many people and I don't really have many friends. I'm really isolated in the office while mum works."

I gave Jaidon a nice long stare, I didn't even care if he realized it. He looked so lonely, true to his words. He smiled at me, and the most fantastic thing was the fact that he didn't even look weirded out that I was staring at him.

"I-I'm not good with the whole, uhm, 'friend' thing, can't ugh promise I'll be the best, but ergh I'll be you're friend." I hesitated.

His smile grew wider, and he tried to stop smiling, which caused me to smile. I always found it beautiful when someone smiled so big, and tried their hardest to stop smiling.

"You know, you're early? By a long time." He said.


"Yeah, I'm pretty sure mum said you're appointment was around twelve-thirty, and it's only ten fifty-three."


"Did you, did you do that on purpose? Did you lie about the time of your appointment?" He asked, suddenly curious.

I coughed awkwardly, and moved around in my chair. I fiddled with my hair, before finding the courage to speak.

"Yeah," there was no point in me even trying to lie.

"Why?" He frowned.

"Everything is falling apart at home again..." I looked away from him.

We sat in silence for what felt like ages, but was only a few minutes.

"What'd you mean?" He sighed.

"F-fighting... A lot of, uhm, fighting." I sighed, "sorry, I uhm, I'm not good with this.. talking and friends."

"That's okay, we all need a friend who'll sit with us in silence when words won't work." He smiled.

I hung my head towards the grown, just staring at the floor. I didn't have half the heart to explain to him what was going on at home.

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