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SOTC : Mad Hatter - Melanie Martinez (again no relation just a good song)

I rested my on the arm of the couch as I glanced at the tv. NCIS was on so I was watching it.

Michael was at work, Danyelle was in her room with Austin, and Benjie was laying a crossed my lap.

I played with his hair, and cuddled up to him.

"Me watch Barney." Benjie giggled.

"I don't even know if it's on, let me check." I mumbled.

I flipped through the channels and found Barney.

"There you go, I'm going to go make some macaroni and cheese for lunch." I mumbled.

I went in to the kitchen and pulled out (hahahahaha) the Mac n cheese and began to make the food.

A knock came from the door.

"Michael if your forgot your key the doors unlocked!" I called out.

Benjie ran to the door and placed his chair in front of the door. He looked through the peep hole.

"Sissy that's not bubby mikey." He whined.

I turned off the stove and walked over, I glanced through the peephole to see a tall man, with a shorter woman by his side, and two young girls.

"Benjie go play in your room." I whispered.

"Okay" he whispered back.

He got off the chair and ran to his room. I could hear him ask Austin and Danyelle to play with him. Then the sound of three people entering his room could be heard.

I pushed the chair aside and opened the door.

"Hi, can I help you?" I asked politely.

"Myla? It's me, Christina, or Christine." The short woman smiled.

"Oh, hi." I mumbled.

"This is my husband Tom, and my two daughters Bri, and Aus." She smiled.

"Cool, what can I do for you?" I mumbled.

"Can we come in?" She asked.

"I guess," I shrugged.

The four of them stepped in, and I closed the door behind them.

We all took a seat on the couch and Chris looked at me.

"How's Benjamin? Where's mom? How's Michael? How are you? What's Danyelle up to? How about dad?" Christina rambled.

"Alright first of all, Benjie is great, I'm fine, Michael's fine, we're all fine. Mom is gone, she passed away three months ago. Dad's been gone for almost two years." I answered.

"Oh wow," she nodded, "where's Benjamin?"

"Why are you asking so much about Benjamin? He doesn't care about you." I mumbled.

Which wasn't true, Benjie always cared about everyone, no matter who it is.

"That's harsh." Christina hissed.

"I'm sorry but some of us had to grow up too early sweetheart." I sassed back.

She can't just appear and act like big sister, or a mother of a child she ran away from.

"There's no need to beat around the bush Hun." Tom said.

"Can the girls go play, we brought toys for them?" Chris asked.

I nodded, "sure. Anywhere but Danyelle and I's room, Michael's room, the bathroom or the kitchen."

"Girls here's your toys go play." Chris spoke softly.

The girls grabbed the bag and ran off somewhere.

"We want custody of Benjamin." Christina spoke bluntly.

"Too bad, you're not getting it." I hissed.

"Oh I will, we came to warn you." She mumbled.

"You'll have to take us to court for him, he's staying here." I smirked.

"That I will, you have no fit mother here for him anyway." She snapped.

"Shut up!" I yelled.

"Don't tell me what to do!"

"I'm a more fit mother and I'm 17. I don't runaway from my problems!" I barked at her.

"Oh grow up Myla you're no better than me!"

"Actually I am. I actually graduated high school, and on top of that I graduated a year early. But I'm not done, I didn't runaway from my family. Most of all though, I sure as hell wouldn't leave my kid for drugs and some guy who I barely knew." I snapped.

A door opened and some stomping could be heard. Danyelle flew around the corner with Austin, and Benjie right behind them.

"What is going on?" Danyelle squeaked.

"She thinks she can just walk back into Benjie's life and take him away from us!" I yelled.

"The hell she is!" Danyelle screamed.

"You fückîng watch me!" Chris screamed.

"I don't want to go away, sissy's and bubby mikey take good care of me and they love me, unlike you. You left me, you're not my mommy, my mommy is in heaven with dada." Benjie spoke up.

Michael came walking through the door holding hands with Calum. They were giggling and giving each other googely eyes. They stopped when they saw us all collected in the living room.

"You know what, füćk you all! We'll stay our happy small family. Bri, Aus, and us. We'll be fine without Benjamin." To cussed.

"Don't talk to my family like that!" Calum yelled.

"Shut up you fag!" Tom called back.

Calum's eyes welled up with tears.

"You shut your dâmń mouth! You're in my house! So watch it. You need to leave, i will not let someone disrespect my family in my house." Michael ordered.

"Whatever, I'm fückîng glad I was from dads previous marriage, and I'm only half related to all of you fags! And fag lovers. Bri! Aus! Let's go!" Chris called.

The girls came running out, and they headed for the door.

"I hope you choke on a dïck and die Michael Gordon!" Chris called as she slammed the door shut.


Fuck Christina and Tom!

I honestly wanted to name her daughter's Rat, and Asparagus.

Goodnight fam

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