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SOTC ; Ghost - Jake Miller


I was disappointed to wake up to the alarm. School today, socialization today, counseling today.

The possibilities are endless

I tried keeping the cheesy quote, my counselor had told me, in my head.

I plugged my headphones in, and shuffled the music. I continued to get dressed, my everyday fashion; skinny jeans, and a graphic tee with a flannel thrown over.

I brushed out my hair, and made my way down the stairs. I grabbed a fruit from the fruit bowl.

"I'm running you to school today," Michael said, pulling my earbud out. "Mom went in to work early."

I hummed in response, and shoved the earbud back to its righteous place.

Danyelle came stumbling down the stairs. She was moaning, and groaning she had a headache. It happened everyday.

"I'm not our mother. You're going to school, unless you can come up with a more valid excuse that hasn't been used by you three hundred times before." He mumbled.

She rolled her eyes and made her way back up the steps, probably to get ready.

The front door opened, and shut.

"Honey I'm home!" Austin's voice called out.

How could someone ever be so cheery and upright at like, six-thirty in the morning?

"Hey Austin." Michael smiled.


School went by presumably fast. I was happy that it was over.

But when school ended it was straight to counseling for me. So that's where i went.

Michael picked me up, and drove me right to see Stephanie; and most definitely Jaidon.

I got in, walked past Sarah at the main desk, and continued into Stephanie's office.

Jaidon occupied the bean bag chair next to the door. He looked up, and got up.

"Bye mom. See you later." He called, as he left the room.

I sat down on the couch, making sure that I was comfortable.

"Hello Myla." Miss Yamaro smiled at me.

"Uhm... hey.." I said, stumbling on my words.

"How was school today?"

Sighing, I thought about the question. Finally answering with, "mediocre."

She scribbled down words on a notepad, and looked back up at me.

"Was there any general anxiety today?"

"......of course... as always." I sighed heavily.

"Despite the fact that I've counseled a few dozens of people before, I find it quite interesting that I have to approach things so differently with you." Miss Yamaro spoke.

She shifted in her chair.

"Why?" I asked.

"Because, after all of my patients, you'd think I've dealt with everything." she said, looking as if she was thinking about what to say next.

"Loss of a family member is heart breaking, loss of a friend is numbing. But when you have both, it's a heartbreaking-numbing mess."

I knew where the conversation was going. My eyes started to well up with tears.

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