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SOTC ; Afire Love - Ed Sheeran

"My don't drop the box!" Michael exclaimed.

"I'm sorry! I'm trying my best to uhm not the box! But I don't have the manly muscles." I joked.

Austin came walking over and grabbed the box placed in my arms, and put it in the back of his truck.

"That's the last of them," Calum sighed.

I frowned, and glanced back at our house. I tried my best to keep the thought of change every once and while was good, but it was hard to accept.

We all grew up in this house. Our first memories were in this house. But it holds so many horrible memories: me horribly depressed and no life, Danyelle just being a bïtćh, Dad passing, Mom disappearing, etc.

It'd be good to get a new start in a new apartment. Things would be tight but oh well, we'd deal with it. That's what we've always done, dealt with everything.

"Alright we'll be back, keep the fort held down." Calum joked.

I nodded, grabbed Benjie's hand, and walked back inside. We walked around the house, it was so empty. I imagined the furniture where it all used to be.

Michael, Austin, and Calum were going to set some stuff up at the apartment so they'd be gone a little while. Benjie and I were left at home to just hang out and keep an eye on things. Danyelle was at work till tonight.

"Myla?" Benjie's small voiced echoed through the empty house.

"Hmm baby?"

"What's my name?"

"Benjie," I smiled.

"No, like my real name," he paused. "Everyone at school has three names. First name, middle, and last. What's mine?"

"Benjamin John Jennings, why'd you wanna know silly?"

"Because no one ever told me," he frowned.

"We didn't think you cared." I spoke softly.

"Why don't I look like you? Or Mikey? Or Dany? O-r-r Christine?"

"Benjie I don't know if you'd understand, you're still young." I  faltered.

"I'm 9, I can understand." He spoke angrily.

"You have a different mommy and daddy than us," I spoke in a fragile tone.

"What?" He gasped.

"Your mommy is my older sister Christine. Your daddy is her ex-boyfriend."

This wasn't the conversation you should be having with a 9-year-old, but he understood so I had to tell him.

"Where's my mommy at?" Benjie spoke, his eyes starring at me. "And promise me no more secrets?"

"Benjie, I promise no more secrets but I don't know how to explain this to you." I mumbled.

"Tell me. It's not like I haven't been hurt already." Benjie muttered.

If my heart hadn't been broken already, I'm sure it would've shattered from that comment.


Before I could finish my sentence a knock came from the front, my eyebrows etching in confusion.

"You're not expecting anyone right?" I joked.

"No." Benjie said keeping a serious face.

Another knock came.

I got up, and walked to the door. I pulled the door open and was shocked at the sight in front of me.

"Myla Wilkerson?" The officer asked.

"Uhh, yeah." I nodded.

"May we come in?" She asked.

"We're in the process of moving right now, so we have no furniture, but yeah." I shyly spoke.

The male and female officer followed me into the vacant living room where Benjie stood and twiddled his thumbs.

"Uh, I think it's best if he goes to another room." The male spoke.

"No, we don't keep secrets from each other." I nodded.

"Well I'm Officer Kirby and this is Officer Spencer." The male officer, Officer Kirby, spoke.

"Okay? What's going on? Michael didn't get drunk and streak naked in the mall right?" I grew anxious.

"No, I'm sorry but it's far more worse than that." Officer Spencer frowned.

"Oh no, are Danyelle, and Michael, and Austin, and Jai okay? Oh my god are Lilac and Harlyn okay?" I rushed.

"No it doesn't involve them." She frowned.

"The case on your mothers disappearance was solved." Officer Kirby hesitated.

"Wh-what? Where is she?" I grew excited.

Then they gave me that look, and my breath was taken away. If possible, their frowns grew deeper.

"I'm sorry Miss Wilkerson, your mothers car was found down the hill from the road. A construction site getting ready to demo the area found her car and when the realized it was her the rushed down." He spoke.

"No!" I screamed.

"I'm so sorry for your lose Miss Wilkerson, if you can give us the address to your new house we can inform the rest of the family."  Officer Spencer slightly smiled.

I nodded, and scribbled down the new address for the officers. They went on their way as I sat in the corner, fresh years in my eyes.

"Lala?" Benjie spoke softly.

"Yeah?" I sighed, and glanced up at him.

"My mommy," he paused.

"Not right now baby." I frowned.

"No, let me finish." He frowned.

"Okay go ahead." I slightly smiled.

"My mommy left us to go to heaven because daddy was ready for her to go home."

I looked up at him and smiled. Tears fell from my face and I just nodded. My once broken heart felt a little better.

"We have the same mommy, and she went back home to daddy. And one day we'll go back home to be with them again Lala. Me, you, Danyelle, and Mikey, and and even Christine, we'll all go back home. Back to our permanent home."


I didn't really want to stop it here but it seems appropriate so yeah, yolo.

I hope you enjoyed I'm gonna go get a shower and sleep!

TherapyDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora