Chapter 4 : Survival Training

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Hiro's pov

No... daddy... I want to be with brother...
Brother and mommy are going in a mission for a while sunshine...
No daddy... I want to be with him...
No you can't... It's dangerous...
Mommy... brother... don't leave me...

Another farewell. "Anothet nightmare Hiro?" Dad again. I look at the clock and it's already 6 "Aren't you getting ready dad? You said it's 5am" "I'm getting ready. You should too" He left my room open for the first time. What's going on with him?

"Hey sunshine what do you prefer, alone or team work?" What's wrong with him? "You're asking as a sensei or dad?" "As a dad" "well I'd like to work alone. They're just standing in my way" Is he really my dad? "Okay here's my plan Hiro..."

7 am, Training Ground

"HEY YOU'RE LATE!" It's still morning, Naruto and Sakura are really so loud "A black cat pass the road so..." "we took the long road instead" I cut him just to make it quick. "Let's just start the training already" I said with boredom in my tone.

"For today's training, If you could get these bells from me, you will be having your lunch and for special offer, if any of you guys could lay a single scratch on Hiroyuki, you will be free for the rest of the day" "Why aren't Hiro train with us sensei?" Geez Sakura, I bet that you couldn't even touch a single strand of my hair "She is training in her own way Sakura. I've set this clock until noon. You need to get these bells before then. Starts now" With that they scatter and Naruto left to face dad.

Sakura's pov

Today's training are rediculous. How can we take those bells from kakashi sensei, he's a jounin. Hiroyuki is so arrogant. She acts like she could even beat kakashi sensei. I bet that she's just showing off to sasuke. Wait, Is she going blindfolded? It's impossible. WHY IS SHE SO COCKY?!?!

I directly launch an attack with a kunai on my hand. Within split second, she tackel me to the ground and I lost my grib of my kunai. She lean to my ear "I see what you did there Haruno" She send chill down my spine. "Hiro, you're not using any weapon in this training" she stood up and put her hand on her belt "Is it a suggestion or an order?" "It's an order" with that she left me and stand in the middle of the training ground.

What's wrong with her? I can't believe it that she's just showing off to sasuke "Hiroyuki, I know that you're just a weakling that can't protect your teammates. That's why you're always working alone. I guess nobody like you right." She squeze her fist and clench her teeth. "Shut Up you MORON!! YOU KNOW NOTHING ABOUT ME YOU STUPID LITTLE PIECE OF CRAP?!?!"

Sasuke's pov

Sakura's being reckless of attacking Hiro with a kunai. Hmm. It's getting interesting. Sakura just touched her soft spot. HER SOFT SPOT. I quickly ran up to kakashi where he's reading his book. "Kakashi sensei *huff* *huff* Sakura *huff* *huff* just *huff* *huff* touched Hiroyuki's *huff* *huff* soft spot" He quickly kept his book and we sprint to where Hiro is. "YOU ARE JUST A WORTHLESS LITTLE PIECE OF SH*T!! KUNOICHI OF KONOHA?? STOP DAY DREAMING HARUNO?!?! YOU KNOW NOTHING ABOUT ME!! YOU ARE NO ONE!! YOU'RE HEAD ARE FILLED WITH BULLSH*T THAT IT START TO LEAK OUT OF YOUR SMALL MOUTH!!!" kakashi then ran up to Hiko and head lock her head "Snap out of it HIKO. She's knows nothing. It's not your fault" she turn kakashi sensei's hand with ease "HIKO SNAP OUT OF IT?!?! IT'S AN ORDER" wih that she let go of her grip and start to calm down "I apologize for my reckless action sensei. Now excuse me for a while" with that she left us staring at her with shock and Kakashi sensei seems to be sad.

Kakashi's pov

It's the second time she almost killed her comerade. The first time was when she's still in the academy after the incident. Since then, she choose not to go to the academy, instead she trained with the third hokage and join the anbu. She left just a moment before the timer rang. It's noon already. I caught Naruto sneek in his backpack to eat early lunch. I decided to tie him to the pole. "Since you guys can't pass this test, I will give you other chance. Sakura and Sasuke will be having their lunch and Naruto won't get any since he sneek to eat by him self. If you fed Naruto, You guys will be dropped out." I left a shadow clone befind to observe what will they do and look for Hiro.

Hiro's pov

It's all my fault. If I hadn't gone fishing with dad. If I had oversleep. If I hadn't fight with brother. It's all my fault. MY FAULT. I just stare at mom's name at a head stone. I silently cried inside of my self, a single stream of tear escaped from my eye. My heart felt like it's crampled and torn to pieces. My heart don't believe of the name that are craved on the head stone.

 "I know you will be going here Hiro. It's not your fault. They died to protect you. They did everything they could to protect you. You are very important to everybody. It's never and won't be your fault" I quickly rub my tears away. Calming myself before turning my head to dad. I can see that he's here with sadness in his eye. "I can protect them before. I could do something. I know his strength and weekness. I know him so well. I can protect them. I can..." Dad just hugged me tight and bury my face into his chest "It's not you're fault. You do what you can. It's not you're fault. Don't make what they sacrifice useless" I gripped his fest firmly for few minutes and he patted my head few times "There you go Hiko, Sunshine. You're going to be okay with me. I'm not going anywhere. I'm going to accompany you. Let's get back to the apartment." "How about them?" "They all passed. Sasuke offered Naruto his food so that Naruto won't slow him down. We will be doing mission together start from tomorrow"

Sasuke's pov

After kakashi sensei are out of sight, I give Naruto my lunch. I won't let him to get in my way later "Here eat it Naruto. You're hungry. If you skipped lunch, you won't have enough energy for later" I stuff his mouth with one of my rice balls. "No Sasuke. Kakashi said that we all will get dropped if we feed him" "He will get in the way if we don't feed him" "Just eat up sasuke. He will be having my food. Anyways I'm on diet" Sakura said with huge smile on her face. I know that it's a fake smile from how she do it. 

"YOUU!!!" Kakashi sensei appear between smoke. We all shook our head since his entrance are surprising(?) "... Passed" Wait? WHAT?!?! "What do you mean we passed sensei?" Sakura asked "Shinobi who abandoned their mission are called a scum but Shinobi that abandoned their comrades are worse than scum. From tomorrow on, we will be doing missions together. See ya tomorrow." He dissappear with smokes left just like his appearance. I sighed and cut off Naruto's rope and I left from them.

Right after dinner, I just went on night walk. I passed the training ground and heard few sounds inside the training grounds. I see her again. She threw few kunai that pinned me behind a tree. She let out few sighs "What are you doing Sasuke?" She approach me and took her kunai "I'm just on my night walk routine. Mind If I see your way of training?" "Yeah sure. but make some space of you'll get hurt" I sat under the opposite tree. She threw kunai knives, star shirukens, punches, kicks, Jutsus on the same pole. After a while, the pole cutted into 2 with her katana. "There's something in your mind. Mind telling it to me?" she stopped her training and she walked up to me and sat beside me. 

"I'm sorry that you guys saw me exploded earlier. I've never been this pissed before. I just don't know how to react. Should I get angry, of sad, of happy, or pissed." I shift my position to see her eye better "Mind telling me what happened?" She looked at me with tears held in her eye that are ready to spill "My mother are killed along with my brother right IN FRONT OF ME. I could have save them. but I'm dragged out of there right away. I could've helped them. I'm strong enough that time. I should be helping them. I..." 

My hands just moved and I unconsciously hugged her tightly in my chest and started to play with her short light blue hair. Her hair are so soft. She started to cry silently that spill heavy stream of tears that are held for a very long time. She pulled away from our hug and I lower her mask, behind those mask there are beautiful lip that are rose-coloured. I tried to pull my self together to not kiss that lips and instead rub off the trail of tears before lightly pecked her cheek. 

"I'm here for you. Kakashi sensei, Naruto, Sakura and other team member are here for you. You just need to tell us. We will help you. We care about you." With that last sentence she stand and walk away and lift her mask back up "Thank you Sasuke" She smile under her mask and went away into the shadow.

What did I just do? How will I face her tomorrow? WHAT HAVE I BEEN THINKING?!?! kakashi sensei will explode after knows this.. I guess she's somewhat similar with me. Life filled with hate, revenge, lonely, and sadness.

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